$99 VS $1000+. UI Control for ASP.NET AJAX(contains chart and gridview).
Kettic Chart UI for ASP.NET AJAX
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General Introduction for ASP.NET Chart Control

ASP.NET Chart Control is an important component of our ASP.NET AJAX UI SDK, which aims to help users create a richly styled and fully customized chart in ASP.NET web application and is compatible with .NET Framework 3.5 & later versions. Using this ASP.NET Chart Control, users can build most of the available chart types in asp.net platform. Besides, this control also allows users to freely modify the appearance settings of all chart elements. And the data binding is supported as well.
In following text, we will illustrate the outstanding features of this ASP.NET Chart Control in a brief way. If you want to see more detailed guidance, please follow attached links.

Available Features

In this part, we will introduce the five major features that this ASP.NET Chart Control has owned.

Supported Chart Types

Right now, 13 chart types have been supported by ASP.NET Chart Control, including the line chart, bar chart and area chart.

Supported Data Types

This ASP.NET Chart Control enable users to show data from several data types into target chart using data binding method. And here we list the supported four data types.

Supported Custom Appearance Settings

The ASP.NET Chart Control offers rich options for users to alter and modify the appearance settings of the chart. And these chart appearance settings can be arranged into three major categories.
  • Chart Background: the color, opacity and style of the chart background can be fully modified separately. And you can also use the image as the chart background.
  • Custom Appearance Properties: the appearance of all chart elements can be customized respectively.
  • Chart Skin: you can use our predefined skin or you can use your own skin.

Supported Programming Events and APIs

By offering several programming events and APIs, this ASP.NET Chart Control also enables users to build a chart which is able to respond to user actions.
  • Click Event: via this event, you will know on which part the mouse is clicking, including Series Item, Series and Chart Legend.

Support Cross-Browser

The look and style of created chart will not change in different browsers.
UI Controlsfor ASP.NET AJAX