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Chart Apprearance Properties in ASP.NET
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Information to Custom Chart Appearance Properties

Custom chart appearance properties refer to these unique properties that are owned by some chart elements. To put it in another way, besides these common chart appearance properties (like Border, Corner, Dimensions, FillStyle, Position, Shadow and Visible), the chart elements may have their own unique properties and we call these special properties custom chart appearance properties.
In following text, we will show you how to call these custom chart appearance properties.

Customize Unique Chart Appearance Properties

Here we arrange these unique chart appearance properties into four major parts, which are Chart, Chart Title, Legend and PlotArea & Axes.


Set sizing dimensions
  • Layout.Width
  • Layout.Height
Define the chart type
  • Appearance.DefaultType
Set series orientation
  • Appearance.Series Orientation
Decide a series palette
  • Appearance.SeriesPalette
  • Appearance.CustomPalettes
Set a predefined chart skin
  • Appearance.Skin
Define much two neighboring bars overlap each other
  • Appearance.Appearance.BarOverlapPercent
Set bar width
  • Appearance.Appearance.BarWidthPercent
Set text quality
  • Appearance.Appearance.TextQuality
Set alternative text
  • Appearance.AlternativeText
Set the image MIME type (file type)
  • Settings.ChartImageFormat

Chart Title

Set the form
  • Elements.ChartTitle.Appearance.Figure
Set a rotation degree
  • Elements.ChartTitle.Appearance.RotationAngle
Customize the style of chart title marker
  • Elements.ChartTitle.Marker.Appearance


Customize the legend title style
  • Elements.Legend.TextBlock
Style the legend marker
  • Elements.Legend.Marker.Appearance
Style the legend items' appearance
  • Elements.Legend.Appearance.ItemAppearance
  • Elements.Legend.Appearance.ItemMarkerAppearance
  • Elements.Legend.Appearance.ItemTextAppearance
Set legend items' orientation
  • Elements.Legend.Appearance.Overflow
Set a rotation angle
  • Elements.Legend.Appearance.RotationAngle

PlotArea & Axes

Style the empty series message
  • Elements.PlotArea.EmptySeriesMessage
Set intelligent series' label positioning
  • Elements.PlotArea.IntelligentLabelsEnabled
Set the axis' layout mode
  • Elements.PlotArea.[axis].LayoutMode
Style the axis' maximum value end
  • Elements.PlotArea.axis [axis].Appearance.Cap

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