$99 VS $1000+. UI Control for ASP.NET AJAX(contains chart and gridview).
Point/Scatter Charts Control in ASP.NET AJAX
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ASP.NET Point/Scatter Chart Overview

Point chart, still known as scatter chart, is often used to show the contribution and connection of two or more set of data points. Point chart also clearly displays the dependences among different values. As the data points or values displayed in point chart is unordered, thus, the point chart is not used for time dependent data series but is usually used for scientific data modeling. For example, point figure chart commonly shows temperature grade in our life.

How to Build a Simple Point/Scatter Chart

By using Kettic UI ASP.NET Chart Library, users are able to easily create and modify point chart, ranging from options for selecting point chart type to advanced point chart settings, like chart skin, title, label, orientation as well as other appearance properties.
With the support of AJAX web programming technique, our UI ASP.NET Chart Control can allow users to create and view chart on web side with very short time and great convenience.
Here are the general steps for creating a target scatter chart with AJAX techniue: drag an "AjaxPanel" control from Toolbox to "aspx" file, and then, drag a chart control from Toolbox into the built "AjaxPanel". Finish these stpes, we can go on to next step.

Basic Settings

Following codes and descriptions are for how to select target point chart type and how to set point chart title, orientation and skin to adjust chart appearance. And we can finish setting these parameters within property window of chart creating project. Please check out demo codes below respectively. After making these options, the Kettic chart control will draw the point and figure in the plot area.
  1. Chart View: Set the Chart DefaultSeriesView property or ChartSeries.View to Point.
  2. Chart Caption: Set the ChartCaption.Text property to "Point Chart".
  3. Chart Orientation: Set the SeriesOrientation property to Vertical.
  4. Chart Skin: Set the Skin Property to "KetticLite".
Here we will show you how to specify the basic properties of point chart in C#.

KaxChart1.SeriesSet[0].View = ChartSeriesView. Point;
KaxChart1.Skin = "KetticLite";
KaxChart1.Caption.Text = "Point Chart";
KaxChart1.SeriesOrientation = CartSeriesOrientation.Vertical;

Point/Scatter Settings

This part tells how to add and set the data series of point chart. We can set the series according to the particular data points' categories, single category and multiple categories are both allowed. And the number of each set of values can range from 1 to n. We add point chart data series by using "ChartSeries.Items" control of KT.UI ASP.NET Chart Control.

<kettic:ChartSeries Name="Series 1" View="Point">
<kettic:ChartSeries Point Value="2" Name="Point 1">
<kettic:ChartSeriesPoint Value="6" Name="Point 2">
<kettic:ChartSeriesPoint Value="13" Name="Point 3">
<kettic:ChartSeriesPoint Value="14" Name="Point 4">
<kettic:ChartSeriesPoint Value="15" Name="Point 5">
Besides chart series, with the rich support of chart element component library, we are also capable of setting the point color via "ChartSeries.StyleSet.Fill.PrimaryColor" control. What's more, if we want to change more properties of given point, we can use point appearance property item to adjust the point dimensions, height, width, borders and margins. Kettic asp.net chart component really provide powerful and useful style maker in Visual Studio. Detailed chart series setting guides can be fund here: chart series element setting guides.

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