The column header, located at the top of each grid column. It keeps the location and content when the grid items changed. The header always appear for all gird columns by default, if you want not, you can set the ShowHeader property to Flase. Header Context Menu
For easy and simple operate the web grid data, we provide some commonly used functionalities in the header context menu:
If you want, you can set the EnableHeaderContextMenu property to True to enable this header context menu. Further more, the context menu options can be customized by yourself. If you want not to use the Sort functionality, set AllowSort to False, so that the Sort option will be hidden. Multi-column Headers
Multi-column header is a group of common column header. The common header can be the child of a multi-column header. Multi-column headers can span several common headers and columns. Structure rules
In order to demonstrate to you more clearly, we define a new multi-column in the below code. And you can see to renderings for confrontation.
| ![]() ASP.NET AJAX UI Controls ASP.NET AJAX Chart UI Control ASP.NET AJAX Grid UI Control OverviewGetting StartedGrid Columns ElementsTypesHeaders Grid Rows ItemsCommand ItemResizingReorderingSortingPaging Pager ItemDo PagingScrolling Do ScrollingScroll ShowingVirtual ScrollingGrouping Do GroupingGroup ExpressionsGroup ElementFiltering Do FilteringFiltering ExpressionSelecting Selecting RowsExportingOperating Edit ModeEdit RecordsValidationData BindingGrid Style |