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Kettic.AspNet.Data Namespace
  Class Description
Public class AggregateFunction
Represents the basic class that supports creating functions that provide statistical information about a set of items.
Public class AggregateFunctionsGroup
Represents group with aggregate functions.
Public class AggregateResult
Represents a result returned by an aggregate function.
Public class AggregateResultCollection
Represents a collection of AggregateResult items.
Public class CompositeFilterDescriptor
Represents a filtering descriptor which serves as a container for one or more child filtering descriptors.
Public class DescriptorBase
Base class for all descriptors used for handling the logic for property changed notifications.
Public class FilterDescription
The class enables implementation of custom filtering logic.
Public class FilterDescriptor
Represents declarative filtering.
Public class FilterDescriptorBase
Base class for all IFilterDescriptor used for handling the logic for property changed notifications.
Public class FilterDescriptorCollection
Represents collection of IFilterDescriptor.
Public class GenericEnumerableT
This type is used internally by the data binding infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class Group
Represents an item that is created after grouping.
Public class GroupDescriptorBase
Servers as a base class for group descriptors. Holds SortDirection that will be used to sort the groups created from the descriptor.
Public class SortDescriptor
Represents declarative sorting.
  Interface Description
Public interface IAggregateFunctionsProvider
Defines property for collection of AggregateFunction. Used by the expression data engine to create aggregates for a given group.
Public interface IFilterDescriptor
Represents a filtering abstraction that knows how to create predicate filtering expression.
Public interface IGroup
Represents an item that is created after grouping.
Public interface IGroupDescriptor
Represents a grouping abstraction that knows how to create group key and group sort expressions.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration FilterCompositionLogicalOperator
Logical operator used for filter descriptor composition.
Public enumeration FilterOperator
Operator used in FilterDescription