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SpellCheckSettings Properties

The SpellCheckSettings type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AjaxUrl
Gets or sets the URL, to which the spellchecker engine AJAX call will be made. Check the help for more information.
Public property AllowAddCustom
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the spell will allow adding custom words.
Public property CustomDictionarySourceTypeName
Gets or sets the type for the spell custom dictionary provider.
Public property CustomDictionarySuffix
Gets or sets the suffix for the custom dictionary files.
Public property DictionaryLanguage
Gets or sets the spellcheck language if different than the Language property.
Public property DictionaryPath
Gets or sets the path for the dictionary files.
Public property EditDistance
Gets or sets a the edit distance. If you increase the value, the checking speed decreases but more suggestions are presented. Applicable only in EditDistance mode.
Public property FragmentIgnoreOptions
Configures the spellchecker engine, so that it knows whether to skip URL's, email addresses, and filenames and not flag them as erros.
Public property SpellCheckProvider
Specifies the spellchecking algorithm that will be used.
Public property SpellCheckProviderTypeName
Specifies the type name for a custom spell check provider.
Public property WordIgnoreOptions
Gets or sets the value used to configure the spellchecker engine to ignore words containing: UPPERCASE, some CaPitaL letters, numbers; or to ignore repeated words (very very)
See Also