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PdfRendererOptions Class
This class can be used to control various properties of PDF files created by Apoc XSL-FO.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls.Toolkit.Apoc.Render.Pdf
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public sealed class PdfRendererOptions : IRendererOptions

The PdfRendererOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfRendererOptions
Public methodAddKeyword
Adds a keyword to the PDF document.
Public methodAddPrivateFont
Adds fileInfo to the private font collection.
Public propertyAuthor
Specifies the Author of the PDF document.
Public propertyCreator
Returns the Creator of the PDF document.
Public propertyEnableAdd
Enables or disables adding or modifying text annotations and interactive form fields.
Public propertyEnableCopy
Enables or disables copying of text and graphics.
Public propertyEnableModify
Enables or disables modifying document contents (other than text annotations and interactive form fields).
Public propertyEnablePrinting
Enables or disables printing.
Public propertyFontType
Specifies how Apoc should treat fonts.
Public propertyKerning
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable kerning.
Public propertyOwnerPassword
Specifies the owner password that will protect full access to any generated PDF documents.
Public propertyProducer
Returns the Producer of the PDF document.
Public propertySubject
Specifies the Subject of the PDF document.
Public propertyTitle
Specifies the Title of the PDF document.
Public propertyUserPassword
Specifies the user password that will protect access to any generated PDF documents.
Can be used to control certain values in the generated PDF's information dictionary. These values are typically displayed in a document summary dialog of PDF viewer applications. This class also allows security settings to be specified that will cause generated PDF files to be encrypted and optionally password protected.
See Also