$99 VS $1000+. UI Control for ASP.NET AJAX(contains chart and gridview).
Create a Simple Barcode in ASP.NET AJAX
Home > How to > Barcode Getting Started

Kettic Barcode UI ASP.NET AJAX library provides comprehensive and rich options for users to create and customize barcodes within web ASP.NET application.
In this page, step by step guides are displayed in following aspects to help users create your complete user-defined barcode creating project easily and precisely. First is creating an ASP.NET web application within Visual Studio; then adding and dragging barcode control; and last customizing barcode properties.

Create an ASP.NET Web Application

Please start your Visual Studio in 2010 or any later version at the very beginning.
  1. Select New | Web Site from the Visual Studio 2010 file menu.
  2. Select the "ASP.NET Web Site" and enter a name and location path.barcode-get-started-pic-1.png

Add Barcode Control to Page

After finishing creating the web ASP.NET project in desktop, let's see how to add the most important barcode control in this part.
  1. Drag an AjaxPanel component from the Toolbox to the default web page.
  2. Drag a Barcode component from the Toolbox into the AjaxPanel.

Customize Barcode Properties

This section shows you how to set barcode properties with the provided accesses to the most common settings of barcode creating control.
  1. To set the barcode text data and choose barcode type, we need to right-click on the PerBarcode in the design window to display the Smart Tag.
  2. Click the "Open Configuration Wizard" link at the bottom of the PerBarcode Tasks menu.barcode-get-started-pic-3.png
  3. Then, we can set and adjust any supportable property of linear barcode in "General settings" tag, for instance, Barcode Type, OutputType, ShowText, Show Checksum, RenderChecksum, Text, ShortLinesLengthPercentage, LineWidth, etc.
  4. If we want to set and define the attributes (including Mode - There are four values available for QR Code mode property - Alphanumeric, Numeric, Byte and Kanji, ECL - Error Correction Level, there are four possible values to choose from - L(Low), M(Medium), Q(Quartile), H(High). These values allow for 7%, 15%, 25% and 30% recovery of symbol code words, version - ranging from 1 to 40, DotSize, ECI, FNC1 - used for messages containing data formatted either in accordance with the UCC/EAN application identifiers standard or a specific industry standard previously agreed with AIM International) of 2d QR Code in "QR Code settings" tab, we are supposed to set barcode type as QR Code in the "Barcode type" property.