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KaxCalendar Events

The KaxCalendar type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public event DayRender
DayRender event is fired after the generation of every calendar cell object and just before it gets rendered to the client. It is the last place where changes to the already constructed calendar cells can be made.
Public event DefaultViewChanged
DefaultViewChanged event is fired a a navigation to a different date range occurred. Generally this is done by using the normal navigation buttons or the fast date navigation popup that allows "jumping" to a specified date.
Public event HeaderCellRender
HeadeCellRender event is fired after the generation of every calendar header cell object and just before it gets rendered to the client. It is the preferred place where changes to the constructed calendar header cells can be made.
Public event SelectionChanged
SelectionChanged event is fired when a new date is added or removed from the SelectedDates collection.
See Also