Click or drag to resize
Kettic.AspNet.Controls Namespace
  Class Description
Public class AdvancedFormSettings
Public class AjaxClientEvents
Public class AjaxRequestEventArgs
Public class AjaxSetting
Represents a single AjaxConsole setting - a mapping between a control that initiates an AJAX request and a collection of controls to be updated by the operation.
Public class AjaxSettingCreatedEventArgs
Public class AjaxSettingCreatingEventArgs
Public class AjaxSettingsCollection
Summary description for ConfiguredControls.
Public class AjaxUpdatedControl
This class holds a reference to a single updated control and the loading panel to display.
Public class AjaxUpdatedControlsCollection
A collection of the controls that are updated by the AjaxConsole.
Public class AnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration.
Public class Appointment
Public class AppointmentCancelingEditEventArgs
Public class AppointmentCollection
Public class AppointmentCommandEventArgs
Public class AppointmentContextMenuItemClickedEventArgs
Public class AppointmentContextMenuItemClickingEventArgs
Public class AppointmentControl
Public class AppointmentCreatedEventArgs
Public class AppointmentData
Public class AppointmentUpdateEventArgs
Public class AsyncUploadConfiguration
Default implementation of IAsyncUploadConfiguration. Base class that can be used to pass custom information from the page to the handler. Inherit this class and add a relevant data.
Public class AsyncUploadHandler
Public class AsyncUploadResult
Default implementation of IAsyncUploadResult. Inherit this class and add additional fields to be returned from the upload handler.
Public class BaseMultiDayViewSettings
Public class BinarImageDataContainer
Represents an object which contains KaxBinaryImage's data content
Public class BinaryImageFilter
Public class BinaryImageFilterCollection
Public class BinaryImageTransformationFilter
Public class BotTrapLinkHandler
Bot trap stream HttpModule. Adds Bot Guids to the cache.
You *MUST* enable this HttpHandler in your web.config, like so: <httpHandlers> <add verb="GET" path="BotHandler.axd" type="Kettic.AspNet.Controls.SpamProtection.AutoBotDiscovery.Strategies.BotTrapLinkHandler, Kettic.Cms.Web.UI" /> </httpHandlers>
Public class CalendarAnimationSettings
Public class CalendarPopupButton
The control that toggles the calendar popup. You can customize the appearance by setting the object's properties.
Public class CaptchaAudio
Public class CaptchaAudioHandler
Captcha audio stream HttpModule. "Speaks" the Captcha code, renders them to memory and streams it to the browser.
To use this handler, add it in your web.config, like so: <httpHandlers> <add verb="GET" path="Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource.axd" type="Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource" /> </httpHandlers>
Public class CaptchaCombineAudio
Public class CaptchaImage
KaxCaptcha image generation class
Public class CaptchaImageHandler
Captcha image stream HttpModule. Retrieves KaxCaptcha objects from cache (or session), renders them to memory, and streams them to the browser.
To use this handler, add it in your web.config, like so: <httpHandlers> <add verb="GET" path="Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource.axd" type="Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource" /> </httpHandlers>
Public class CdnSettings
Base class for CDN Related settings
Public class ChartClientSettings
Chart client settings
Public class ChartException Obsolete.
Public class ChartHttpHandler
Public class ClientOperationT
Represents an client-side operation (e.g. adding an item, removing an item, updating an item etc.)
Public class ClientPersistedPropertyAttribute
Used internally.
Public class ColorPickerItem
Public class ColorPickerItemCollection
A collection of ColorPickerItem objects in a KaxColorPicker control.
Public class CombinedScriptWriter
Public class ComboBoxAnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration for the KaxComboBox control.
Public class ComboBoxStrings
The localization strings to be used in KaxComboBox.
Public class CompressedPageState
Public class ContentEncoder
Public class ContextMenuControlTarget
Represents a ContextMenuTargettarget, specified by the id of a server control.
Public class ContextMenuDocumentTarget
Specifies that the KaxContextMenu will be displayed when a right-click on the entire page occurs.
Public class ContextMenuElementTarget
Represents a ContextMenuTargettarget, specified by client-side element id.
Public class ContextMenuSettings
Public class ContextMenuTagNameTarget
Represents a ContextMenuTargettarget, specified by element tagName.
Public class ContextMenuTarget
An abstract class representing a target which KaxContextMenu will be attached to.
Public class ContextMenuTargetCollection
Represents a collection of ContextMenuTarget objects.
Public class ControlItem
Public class ControlItemCollection
Public class ControlItemContainer
Public class ControlItemData
Data class used for transferring control items (menu items, tree nodes, etc.) from and to web services.
Public class CreateRecurrenceExceptionContext
Public class Code example DailyRecurrenceRule
Occurrences of this rule repeat on a daily basis.
Public class DataKey
Public class DataPagerStrings
Public class DateInputSetting
Public class DayTemplate
Descendent of Control, DayTemplate implements an ITemplate wrapper, required for building collections of templates like CalendarDayTemplateCollection.
Public class DayViewSettings
Represents settings for KaxScheduler's day view.
Public class DbSchedulerProviderBase
Public class DefaultSiteMapLevelSetting
Specialized class for the KaxSiteMap.DefaultLevelSettings. Removes the Level property from the property grid and IntelliSense.
Public class DesignerInfo
Public class DialogControl
Public class DialogDefinition
Public class DialogDefinitionDictionary
Public class DialogHandler
This is the default dialog handler class for Kettic dialogs. It requires Session State to be enabled
Public class DialogHandlerNoSession
This class can be used instead of the default (DialogHandler) class for Kettic dialogs. It does not require Session State to be enabled.
Public class DialogOpener Obsolete.
This class is provided for backwards compatibility with old solutions.
Public class DialogParameters
Public class DialogParametersDictionary
Public class DialogParametersProvider
Public class Code example DigitMaskPart
Represents a single character, digit only mask part.
Public class DockCloseCommand
Represents the Close command item in a KaxDock control.
Public class DockCollection
Public class DockCommand
Represents a custom command item in a KaxDock control.
Public class DockCommandCollection
A collection of DockCommand objects in a KaxDock control.
Public class DockCommandEventArgs
Provides data for the DockCommand event.
Public class DockExpandCollapseCommand
Represents the ExpandCollapse command item in a KaxDock control.
Public class DockLayoutEventArgs
Provides data for the SaveDockLayout and the LoadDockLayout events.
Public class DockPinUnpinCommand
Represents the PinUnpin command item in a KaxDock control.
Public class DockPositionChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the DockPositionChanged event.
Public class DockToggleCommand
Represents a two state command item in a KaxDock control.
Public class DynamicClass
Public class DynamicMethodDelegateFactory
Public class EditorColor
A KaxEditor color picker color
Public class EditorColorCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorColor objects
Public class EditorContextMenu
Represents a KaxEditor context menu.
Public class EditorContextMenuCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorContextMenu objects
Public class EditorCssClass
Represents a CssClass dropdown item.
Public class EditorCssClassCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorCssClass objects
Public class EditorCssFile
Represents a CssFile item.
Public class EditorCssFileCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorCssFile objects
Public class EditorDropDown
Represents a EditorDropDown tool that renders as a custom dropdown in the editor
Public class EditorDropDownItem
Represents a EditorDropDownItem dropdown item from a custom editor dropdown
Public class EditorDropDownItemCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorDropDownItem objects
Public class EditorExportingArgs
Public class EditorExportSettings
Container of misc. export settings of KaxEditor control
Public class EditorFont
Represents a FontName dropdown item.
Public class EditorFontCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorFont objects
Public class EditorFontSize
Represents a FontSize dropdown item.
Public class EditorFontSizeCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorFontSize objects
Public class EditorLink
Public class EditorLinkCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorLink objects
Public class EditorModule
Public class EditorModuleCollection
Public class EditorNameValueItem
Public class EditorNameValueItemCollectionItemType
Public class EditorParagraph
Represents a FormatBlock dropdown item.
Public class EditorParagraphCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorParagraph objects
Public class EditorRealFontSize
Represents a RealFontSize dropdown item.
Public class EditorRealFontSizeCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorRealFontSize objects
Public class EditorRtfSettings
Container of misc. settings for rtf load/export
Public class EditorSeparator
A special EditorTool object, which is rendered as a separator by the default ToolAdapter.
Public class EditorSnippet
Represents a InsertSnippet dropdown item.
Public class EditorSnippetCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorSnippet objects
Public class EditorSplitButton
Represents a EditorDropDown tool that renders as a custom dropdown in the editor
Public class EditorSymbol
Represents a InsertSymbol dropdown item.
Public class EditorSymbolCollection
A strongly typed collection of EditorSymbol objects
Public class EditorTool
Represents a single KaxEditor tool.
Public class EditorToolCollection
Public class EditorToolGroup
Represents logical group of EditorTool objects. The default ToolAdapter will render the EditorToolGroup object as a toolbar.
Public class EditorToolGroupCollection
State managed collection of EditorToolGroup objects
Public class EditorToolStrip
Represents a ToolStrip KaxEditor tool, containing other tools.
Public class EditorValueItem
Public class EditorValueItemCollectionItemType
Public class Code example EnumerationMaskPart
Represents a MaskPart object which accepts only a predefined set of options.
Public class ExcelExportCellFormattingEventArgs
Public class FileManagerDialogConfiguration
Encapsulates the properties used for FileBrowser dialog management.
Public class FileUploadedEventArgs
Public class FilterStrings
The localization strings to be used in KaxFilter.
Public class Code example FreeMaskPart
Represents a single character MaskPart object which accepting any character.
Public class GridAnimationSettings
Public class GridAttachmentColumn
Public class GridAttachmentColumnEditor
Public class GridBaseDataList

Serves as the abstract base class for data tables. This class provides the methods and properties common to all tables in Kettic KaxGrid.

Public class GridBinaryImageColumn
Public class GridBinaryImageColumnEditor
Public class GridBindingData
Public class GridBindingException
Public class GridBoolColumnEditor
This is a base class for all column editors for GridCheckBoxColumn.
Public class GridBoundColumn
A column type for the KaxGrid control that is bound to a field in a data source.
Public class GridButtonColumn

It displays a button for each item in the column.

Public class GridCalculatedColumn
Public class GridCellDataBoundEventArgs
Public class GridCheckBoxColumn
Displays a CheckBox control for each item in the column. This allows you to edit for example Boolean field(s) from data table(s).
Public class GridCheckBoxColumnEditor
Public class GridClientDataBinding
Public class GridClientDataService
Public class GridClientDeleteColumn
A special type of GridButtonColumn, including a delete buttons in each row. It provides the functionality of erasing records client-side, without making a round trip to the server.
Public class GridClientEvents
Public class GridClientKeyMappings
Public class GridClientMessages
Contains properties related to messages appearing as tooltips for various grid actions. You can use this class for localizing the grid messages.
Public class GridClientSelectColumn
Displays a Checkbox control for each item in the column. This allows you to select grid rows client-side automatically when you change the status of the checkbox to checked.
Public class GridClientSettings
Public class GridColumn

A Column is the main logic unit that relates the content of the grid to properties of the objects in the DataSource.

The GridColumn defines the properties and methods that are common to all column types in KaxGrid. As it is an abstract class (MustInherit in VB.NET) GridColumn class can not be created directly. You should inherit it and use its children.

Public class GridColumnCollection
The collection of columns of KaxGrid or its tables. Accessible through Columns property of KaxGrid and GridTableView (MainView) classes.
Public class GridColumnCreatedEventArgs
Public class GridColumnCreatingEventArgs
Public class GridColumnEditorBase
Public class GridColumnEditorException
Public class GridColumnsReorderEventArgs
Public class GridCommandEventArgs
Event arguments for the following events: CancelCommand, EditCommand, ItemCommand, SortCommand.
Public class GridCommandItem
Item that is displayed on top or at the bottom of the each GridTableView base on the settings of CommandItemDisplay property. Generally this item displays by default "Add new record" and "Refresh" button, but it can be customized using the CommandItemTemplate. The commands bubbled through this item will be fired by KaxGrid.ItemCommand event.
Public class GridCommandItemSettings
Public class GridContextMenu
Public class GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs
Public class GridCsvSettings
Public class GridCustomAggregateEventArgs
Public class GridDataChangeEventArgs
Public class GridDataInsertItem
Public class GridDataItem
Public class GridDataItemCollection
Public class GridDataKeyArray
Public class GridDateTimeColumn
A column type for the KaxGrid control that is bound to a field in a data source which is of type DateTime. Displays KaxDatePicker, KaxDateTimePicker or KaxDateInput for editor and filter control.
Public class GridDateTimeColumnEditor
Public class GridDeletedEventArgs
Public class GridDeletingEventArgs
Public class GridDeselectCommandEventArgs
Public class GridDetailTableDataBindEventArgs
Public class GridDownloadAttachmentCommandEventArgs
Public class GridDragDropColumn
Public class GridDragDropEventArgs
Public class GridDropDownColumn
Displays a DropDown control for each item in the column. This allows you to edit for example lookup field(s) from data table(s).
Public class GridDropDownColumnEditor
Summary description for GridDropDownColumnEditor.
Public class GridDropDownListColumnEditor
Public class GridEditableColumn
All columns in KaxGrid that have editing capabilities derive from GridEditableColumn. This class implements the base functionality for editing, using column editors etc.
Public class GridEditableItem
Public class GridEditCommandColumn
Public class GridEditFormInsertItem
Public class GridEditFormItem
Item that loads an EditForm during binding if EditMode is EditForms. When in this mode KaxGrid loads an EditFormItem for each normal data-bound item. EditForm is generated only for the items that are in Edit = true mode.
Public class GridEditFormItemEditFormTableCell
Public class GridEditFormSettings
Settings for the edit forms generated by a GridTableView for each item that is in edit mode and the EditMode is set to EditForms.
Public class GridExcelSettings
Public class GridException
Public class GridExpandColumn
This column appears when the grid has a hierarchical structure, to facilitate the expand/collapse functionality. The expand column is always placed in front of all other grid content columns and can not be moved.
Public class GridExpandCommandEventArgs
Public class GridExportingArgs
Public class GridExportSettings
Public class GridFilterCommandEventArgs
Public class GridFilterExpression
Public class GridFilterFunction
Used when column-based filtering feature of KaxGrid is enabled. Defines properties and methods for formatting the predefined filter expressions
Public class GridFilterFunctionFunctionEntry
Public class GridFilterFunctionStringFunctionEntry
Public class GridFilteringException
Public class GridFilteringItem
It's an item, displaying input controls, which allows user to enter a filter values for each visible column in a GridTableView. By default the columns render a textbox and a button, displaying the filtering menu on click. This item is visible based on the settings of AllowFilteringByColumn property. The items is displayed right under the header row of a GridTabelView.
Public class GridFilteringParamsException
Public class GridFilterMenu
Filter menu of Kettic KaxGrid.
Public class GridFooterItem
Displays the footer row of a GridTableView with cells for each column in the grid similar to GridHeaderItem.
Public class GridGroupByException
Public class GridGroupByExpression
Public class GridGroupByExpressionCollection
Public class GridGroupByExpressionCollectionGridGroupByExpressionEnumerator
Public class GridGroupByField
Public class GridGroupFooterItem
Public class GridGroupHeaderItem
The item which splits the groups (when utilizing the grouping feature of KaxGrid) and provides expand/collapse functionality for them.
Public class GridGroupingSettings
Public class GridGroupPanel
GridGroupPanel will appear when the ShowGroupPanel property in the KaxGrid is set to true. You can dray data column to GridGroupPanel to group data.
Public class GridGroupPanelImageButton
Public class GridGroupPanelStyle
Summary description for GridGroupPanelStyle.
Public class GridGroupsChangingEventArgs
Public class GridGroupSplitterColumn
This column appears when grouping is enabled, to facilitate the expand/collapse functionality. The group splitter column is always placed first and can not be moved.
Public class GridHeaderContextMenu
Public class GridHeaderContextMenuGridContextFilterTemplate
Public class GridHeaderContextMenuFilterEventArgs
Public class GridHeaderItem
Summary description for GridHeaderItem.
Public class GridHierarchySettings
Public class GridHTMLEditorColumn
Public class GridHTMLEditorColumnEditor
Public class GridHyperLinkColumn
Each row in a Hyperlink column will contain a predefined hyperlink. This link is not the same for the whole column and can be defined for each row individually.
Public class GridImage
Public class GridImageButton
Public class GridImageColumn
Public class GridIndexCollection
This is a collection of items indexed, which contains the unique index of all the items.
Public class GridInitializeEditFormContainer
Public class GridInitializePagerItem
Public class GridInsertedEventArgs
Public class GridInsertingEventArgs
Public class GridInsertionObject
Public class GridItem
Public class GridItemCollection
Public class GridItemCreated
Public class GridItemDataBound
Public class GridItemEventArgs
Public class GridItemEventInfo
Public class GridKeyboardNavigationSettings
Public class GridLinqDataSource
Public class GridMaskedColumn
Public class GridMaskedColumnEditor
Public class GridMultiRowItem
Summary description for GridMultiRowItem.
Public class GridNavigationItemsStyle
Public class GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs
Summary description for NeedDataSourceEvent.
Public class GridNestedViewItem
Item that contains the nested instances of GridTableView class, that appear as a child item of the corresponding GridDataItem
Public class GridNestedViewSettings
Public class GridNoRecordsItem
GridNoRecordsItem is used to display no records template, in the corresponding table view has ShowHeadersWhenNoRecords is set to true (the default)
Public class GridNotSupportedException
Public class GridNumericColumn
Public class GridNumericColumnEditor
Public class GridPageChangedEventArgs
Public class GridPagerItem
Summary description for GridPagerItem.
Public class GridPagerStyle
KaxGrid and GridTableView use instance of this class to set style of thir PagerItem-s when rendering
Public class GridPageSizeChangedEventArgs
Public class GridPagingManager
Summary description for GridPagingManager.
Public class GridPdfExportingArgs
Public class GridPdfSettings
Public class GridPopUpSettings
Public class GridPostBackReferences
Public class GridPropertyEvaluator
GridPropertyEvaluator A DataBinder.Eval() workalike that is a bit more forgiving and does not throw exceptions when it can't find a property.
Public class GridRatingColumn
A databound column type in KaxGrid that displays a KaxRating control in view and edit mode
Public class GridRatingColumnEditor
Public class GridRelationFields
corresponding fields from a master-detail relation
Public class GridResizing
Public class GridRowIndicatorColumn
Public class GridScrolling
Public class GridSelecting
Public class GridSelfHierarchySettings
Holds the column names presenting the self-referencing relations in the source table.
Public class GridSortCommandEventArgs
Public class GridSortExpression
Public class GridSortExpressionCollection
Public class GridSortingSettings
Public class GridSplitGroup
Public class GridStateManager
State managemenet helper. This class is intended to be used only internally in KaxGrid.
Public class GridStatusBarItem Obsolete.
GridStatusBarItem is used to display information messages for Kettic KaxGrid status. Meaningful only when Kettic KaxGrid is in AJAX mode.
Public class GridStatusBarItemSettings
This class holds settings related to the StatusBar item.
Public class GridStringArrayConverter
Public class GridTableCell
Public class GridTableHeaderCell
Public class GridTableItemStyle
Public class GridTableRow
Public class GridTableView
Grid table
Public class GridTableViewBase
Public class GridTableViewCollection

A collection that stores GridTableView objects. You can access this collection through DetailTables property of a parent GridTableView.

Public class GridTableViewCollectionGridDataTableEnumerator
Public class GridTableViewRelation

A collection that stores GridRelationFields objects.

Public class GridTableViewRelationGridRelationFieldsEnumerator
Public class GridTemplateColumn
Displays each item in the column in accordance with a specified templates (item, edit item, header and footer templates). This allows you to provide custom controls in the column.
Public class GridTemplateColumnEditor
Public class GridTextBoxColumnEditor
Class the implements data editing of a GridBoundColumn with a single TextBox control.
Public class GridTextButton
Public class GridTextColumnEditor
Base class that intruduces the editor of GridBoundColumn. THis can be an editor that creates a simple TextBox control, ot RichText editors, that has a single string property Text.
Public class GridTFoot
Public class GridTHead
Public class GridUpdatedEventArgs
Public class GridUpdatingEventArgs
Public class GridValidationSettings
Public class GroupableViewSettings
Public class GroupItemCell
Public class HierarchicalControlItemContainer
Public class Code example HourlyRecurrenceRule
Occurrences of this rule repeat every given number of hours.
Public class ImageManagerDialogConfiguration
Encapsulates the properties used for ImageManager dialog management.
Public class InputClientEvents
Public class InputIncrementSettings
Public class InputManagerBase
Public class InputManagerClientEvents
Public class InputManagerValidatedEventArgs
Public class InputManagerValidatingEventArgs
Public class InputSetting
Public class InputSettingCreatingEventArgs
Public class InputSettingCustomValidator
Public class InputSettingsCollection
Public class InputSettingValidation
Public class InputStateBag
Public class InputStyle
Public class KaxAjaxConsole
Public class KaxAjaxConsoleProxy
Public class KaxAjaxControl
Public class KaxAjaxPage
This class is required as a base class for any page that hosts a KaxAjaxConsole control and runs under Medium trust privileges.
Public class KaxAjaxPanel
Public class KaxAjaxWaitIndicator
Public class KaxAsyncUpload
Public class KaxBarcode
KaxBarcode control. Control for rendering Barcode or QR text into an Image or SVG
Public class KaxBinaryImage
Represents a control which is capable of displaying images from a binary data
Public class KaxBinaryImageHandler
Represents an object which can server KaxBinaryImage's content
Public class KaxCalendar
KaxCalendar class
Public class KaxCalendarDay
KaxCalendarDay represents a object that maps date value to corresponding visual settings. Also the object implements Boolean properties that represent the nature of the selected date - whether it is a weekend, disabled or selected in the context of the calendar. Mostly the values of those properties are set at runtime when a KaxCalendarDay instance is constructed and passed to the DayRender event.
Public class KaxCaptcha
This control serves as spam protection mechanism. It impplements 3 strategies: 1. Auto-detection - if this strategy is chosen, then we use predefined rules which decide whether the input comes from a robot or not. This strategy is not 100% secure and some sophisticated robots may pass it so it should be used in personal websites with low traffic and where spam robots are not very likely to drop by. If such robots are found to visit the site, the use of the more secure strategy is more advisable. 2. KaxCaptcha - if this strategy is chosen, then an image with obfuscated text is displayed and the user is required to input this text in a textbox thus allowing the control to validate whether s/he is a robot or not. This is the most secure method to protect from spam but it is considered to be inaccessible because disabled people may not see the text in the image! TODO in future release: 3. Subscribe to anti-spam services. This last spam protection mechanism is used to validate the input against public or private web services which given the input return whether or not it is considered to be spam. Some services claim that they catch more than 90% of the spam so this type of protection is fairly secure and can be used in small to medium websites but not in large-scale websites.
Public class KaxChart
The class represents the base functionality of the KaxChart.
Public class KaxCodeBlock
Public class KaxColorPicker
KaxColorPicker class
Public class KaxColorPickerLocalization
Public class KaxComboBox
KaxComboBox for ASP.NET AJAX is a powerful drop-down list AJAX-based control
Public class KaxComboBoxContext
Public class KaxComboBoxData
Public class KaxComboBoxItem
KaxComboBoxItem class.
Public class KaxComboBoxItemCollection
A collection of KaxComboBoxItem objects in a KaxComboBox control.
Public class KaxComboBoxItemData
Public class KaxComboBoxItemEventArgs
Public class KaxComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs
Public class KaxComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs
Public class KaxCompression
Public class KaxCompressionConfigurationSection
Public class KaxCompressionExcludeSetting
Public class KaxCompressionExcludeSettingCollection
Public class KaxCompressionExcludeSettingContainer
Public class KaxCompressionSettingsAttribute
Public class KaxContextMenu
A navigation control used to create context menus.
Public class KaxDataPager
Public class KaxDataPagerButtonField
Public class KaxDataPagerButtonFieldBase
Public class KaxDataPagerClientEvents
Public class KaxDataPagerCommandEventArgs
Public class KaxDataPagerException
Public class KaxDataPagerField
Public class KaxDataPagerFieldCollection
Public class KaxDataPagerFieldCreatedEventArgs
Public class KaxDataPagerFieldCreatingEventArgs
Public class KaxDataPagerFieldItem
Public class KaxDataPagerGoToPageField
Public class KaxDataPagerNumericPageSizeField
Public class KaxDataPagerPageEventArgs
Public class KaxDataPagerPageSizeField
Public class KaxDataPagerTemplatePageField
Public class KaxDataPagerTrackBarField
Public class KaxDate
Wrapper class for System.DateTime, which allows implementing persistable DateTime collections like DateTimeCollection.
Public class Code example KaxDateInput
A control which ensures the date entered by the user is verified and accurate.
Public class KaxDatePicker
KaxDatePicker class
Public class KaxDateTimePicker
KaxDateTimePicker class
Public class KaxDialogOpener
KaxDialogOpener class
Public class KaxDock
KaxDock is a control, which enables the developers to move, dock, expand/collapse any DHTML/ASP.NET content
Public class KaxDockLayout
Workflow: 1). OnInit - ensure that the framework will call TrackViewState, LoadViewState and SaveViewState. We expect that all child docks will be created here. 2). TrackViewState - raise LoadDockLayout event in order to let the developer to supply the initial parents of the registered docks, because the docks could be created with different parents than needed. 2a). LoadViewState - loads and applies the dock parents from the ViewState in order to persist the dock positions between the page postbacks. 3). LoadPostData - returns true to ensure that RaisePostDataChangedEvent() 3a). Dock_DockZoneChanged - this event is raised by each dock in its LoadPostData method. We handle this event and store the pair UniqueName/NewDockZoneID in the _clientPositions Dictionary. This Dictionary will be used in #4. 4). RaisePostDataChangedEvent - sets the parents of the registered docks according their positions, set on the client. These positions are stored in the _clientPositions Dictionary. 5). OnLoad, other events, such as Click, Command, etc. If you create a dock here it will be rendered on the page, but if it is not recreated in the next OnInit, it will not persist its position, set on the client! 6). SaveViewState - stores the dock parents in the ViewState in order to persist their positions between the page postbacks. 7). Page_SaveStateComplete - raises the SaveDockLayout event to let the developer to save the state in a database or other storage medium. Note: The dock parents will be stored in the ViewState if StoreLayoutInViewState is set to true (default). Otherwise the developer should take care of the dock positions when the page is posted back.
Public class KaxDockZone
KaxDockZone is a control which represents a virtual placeholder, where KaxDock controls could be docked.
Public class KaxEditor
Kettic KaxEditor
Public class KaxFileBrowser
Kettic File Explorer control
Public class KaxFileBrowserEventArgs
Public class KaxFileBrowserPopulatedEventArgs
Public class KaxFilter
Public class KaxFilterKaxFilterDataSourceHelper
Public class KaxFilterableContainerLocator
Public class KaxFilterAddExpressionMenu
Public class KaxFilterApplyButton
Public class KaxFilterApplyExpressionsEventArgs
Public class KaxFilterBetweenFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterBooleanFieldEditor
Public class KaxFilterClientEvents
Public class KaxFilterClientSettings
Public class KaxFilterCommandEventArgs
Public class KaxFilterContainsFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterContextMenu
Public class KaxFilterDataFieldEditor
Public class KaxFilterDataFieldEditorCollection
Public class KaxFilterDateFieldEditor
Public class KaxFilterDLinqExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterDoesNotContainFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterDualValueExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterDynamicLinqExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterDynamicLinqQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterEndsWithFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterEntitySqlExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterEntitySqlExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterEntitySqlQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterEqualToFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterExpressionContainer
Public class KaxFilterExpressionEvaluatorBase
Public class KaxFilterExpressionItem
Public class KaxFilterExpressionPreviewProvider
Public class KaxFilterExpressionsCollection
Public class KaxFilterFieldDescriptor
Describes all filterable fields of IKaxFilterableContainer
Public class KaxFilterFieldEditorCreatedEventArgs
Public class KaxFilterFieldEditorCreatingEventArgs
Public class KaxFilterFildDesciptorsEventArgs
Public class KaxFilterFilterableView
Public class KaxFilterGreaterThanFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterGreaterThanOrEqualToFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterGridBindableTypeExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterGridBindableTypeExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterGridCalculatedColumnExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterGridCalculatedColumnExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterGridQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterGroupExpression
Public class KaxFilterGroupExpressionItem
Public class KaxFilterIsEmptyFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterIsNullFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterItemBuilder
Public class KaxFilterItemsCollection
Public class KaxFilterLessThanFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterLessThanOrEqualToFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterLinqRowExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterLinqRowExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterListViewExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterListViewQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterNonGroupExpression
Public class KaxFilterNotBetweenFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterNotEqualToFilterExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterNotIsEmptyFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterNotIsNullFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterNumericFieldEditor
Public class KaxFilterOqlExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterOqlExpressionFormatter
Public class KaxFilterOqlQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterSingleExpressionItem
Public class KaxFilterSingleValueExpressionT
Public class KaxFilterSqlExpressionEvaluator
Public class KaxFilterSqlQueryProvider
Public class KaxFilterStartsWithFilterExpression
Public class KaxFilterTextFieldEditor
Public class KaxFormDecorator
Kettic KaxFormDecorator
Public class KaxGrid
Public class KaxHiddenFieldPageStateCompression
Public class KaxHiddenFieldPageStatePersister
Public class KaxImageHttpCachePersister
Represents an object which can handle image data's storage and retrieval using HTTPCache
Public class KaxInputControl
KaxInputControl class
Public class KaxInputManager
Public class KaxListBox
KaxListBox is a flexible listbox control with the some unique features: Rich and highly customizable UI for item transfer, delete and reordering. Drag and drop support. Items can be reordered or transferred via drag and drop. Automatic update of the underlying data source during reorder, transfer or delete. Checkbox support All features supported by the built-in ListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxDeletingEventArgs
Provides data for the Deleting event.
Public class KaxListBoxDropEventArgs
Provides data for the Dropping and Dropped events of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxDroppedEventArgs
Provides data for the Dropped event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxDroppingEventArgs
Provides data for the Dropping event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxEventArgs
Provides data for the Deleted, Transferred, Inserted and Reordered events.
Public class KaxListBoxInsertingEventArgs
Provides data for the Inserting event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxItem
Represents an item in the KaxListBox control. Use the Text property to set the text of the item. Use the Value property to specify the value of the item.
Public class KaxListBoxItemCollection
Represents a collection of KaxListBoxItem objects in a KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxItemEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemDataBound, ItemCreated events of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxReorderingEventArgs
Provides data for the Reordering event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxTransferredEventArgs
Provides data for the Transferred event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxTransferringEventArgs
Provides data for the Transferring event of the KaxListBox control.
Public class KaxListBoxUpdatingEventArgs
Provides data for the Updating event.
Public class KaxListView
KaxListView class
Public class KaxListViewClientEvents
Public class KaxListViewClientSettings
Public class KaxListViewCommandEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewContainsFilterExpression
Represents Contains KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewDataChangeEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewDataItem
Represents an individual data item in a KaxListView control.
Public class KaxListViewDataItemCollection
Public class KaxListViewDataKeyArray
Public class KaxListViewDeletedEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewEditableItem
Represents an editable item
Public class KaxListViewEmptyDataItem
Represents an item which is rendered when KaxListView's data source is empty
Public class KaxListViewEmptyItem
Public class KaxListViewEndsWithFilterExpression
Public class KaxListViewEqualToFilterExpressionT
Represents a EqualTo KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewFilterExpression
Represents basic FilterExpression for the KaxListView control
Public class KaxListViewFilterExpressionCollection
Public class KaxListViewGreaterThanFilterExpressionT
Represents a GreaterThan KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewGreaterThenOrEqualToFilterExpressionT
Represents a GreaterThen Or EqualTo KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewGroupDataItem
Public class KaxListViewGroupExpression
Class that is used to define sort field and sort order for KaxListView
Public class KaxListViewGroupFilterExpression
Represents a group of filter expressions
Public class KaxListViewGroupItem
Represents an item for the single group container
Public class KaxListViewGroupSettings
Public class KaxListViewIndexesCollection
Public class KaxListViewInsertedEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewInsertionObject
Public class KaxListViewInsertItem
Represents an insert item
Public class KaxListViewIsEmptyFilterExpression
Represents IsEmpty KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewIsNotEmptyFilterExpression
Represents IsEmpty KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewIsNotNullFilterExpression
Represents IsNotNull KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewIsNullFilterExpression
Represents IsNull KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewItem
Represents an individual item in a KaxListView control.
Public class KaxListViewItemDragDropEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewItemDragHandle
Public class KaxListViewItemEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemCreated and ItemDataBound events.
Public class KaxListViewItemsCollectionT
Public class KaxListViewLessThanFilterExpressionT
Represents a LessThan KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewLessThanOrEqualToFilterExpressionT
Represents a LessThanOrEqualTo KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewNeedDataSourceEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewNotEqualToFilterExpressionT
Represents a NotEqualTo KaxListView filter expression
Public class KaxListViewPageChangedEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewPageSizeChangedEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewPagingManager
Public class KaxListViewSingleStringExpression
Public class KaxListViewSingleValueExpressionT
Public class KaxListViewSortEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewSortExpression
Class that is used to define sort field and sort order for KaxListView
Public class KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection
A collection of KaxListViewSortExpression objects. Depending on the value of AllowMultiFieldSorting it holds single or multiple sort expressions.
Public class KaxListViewStartsWithFilterExpression
Public class KaxListViewStringArrayConverter
Public class KaxListViewUpdatedEventArgs
Public class KaxListViewValidationSettings
Represents a various validation setting of KaxListView control
Public class KaxMaskedTextBox
Kettic KaxMaskedTextBox
Public class KaxMenu
A navigation control used to display a menu in a web page.
Public class KaxMenuEventArgs
Provides data for the events of the KaxMenu control.
Public class KaxMenuItem
Represents an item in the KaxMenu control.
Public class KaxMenuItemBinding
Defines the relationship between a data item and the menu item it is binding to in a KaxMenucontrol.
Public class KaxMenuItemBindingCollection
Represents a collection of KaxMenuItemBinding objects.
Public class KaxMenuItemCollection
A collection of KaxMenuItem objects in a KaxMenu control.
Public class KaxMenuItemData
Data class used for transferring menu items from and to web services.
Public class KaxMenuItemGroupSettings
Represents settings controlling child item behavior.
Public class KaxMultiPage
A control which contains KaxPageView controls. Only one page view can be visible at a time.
Public class KaxMultiPageEventArgs
Provides data for the events of the KaxMultiPage control.
Public class KaxNavigationBar
A navigation control used for building collapsible side-menu systems and Outlook-type panels.
Public class KaxNavigationBarEventArgs
Public class KaxNavigationItem
Represents a item in the KaxNavigationBar control.
Public class KaxNavigationItemBinding
Represents the simple binding between the property value of an object and the property value of a KaxNavigationItem.
Public class KaxNavigationItemBindingCollection
Public class KaxNavigationItemCollection
A collection of KaxNavigationItem objects in a KaxNavigationBar control.
Public class KaxNumericTextBox
Kettic KaxNumericTextBox
Public class KaxPageView
The KaxPageView class represents a single page in the KaxMultiPage control.
Public class KaxPageViewCollection
A collection of KaxPageView objects in a KaxMultiPage control.
Public class KaxPane
KaxPane class
Public class KaxProgressArea
KaxProgressManager Control
Public class KaxProgressContext
Public class KaxProgressManager
KaxProgressManager control
Public class KaxRating
KaxRating class
Public class KaxRatingItem
KaxRatingItem class.
Public class KaxRatingItemCollection
A collection of KaxRatingItem objects in a KaxRating control.
Public class KaxRotator
KaxRotator Control
Public class KaxRotatorEventArgs
Public class KaxRotatorItem
This class represents a KaxRotator item.
Public class KaxRotatorItemCollection
A collection of KaxRotatorItem objects in a KaxRotator control.
Public class KaxRotatorItemData
Data class used for transferring rotator items from and to web services.
Public class KaxScheduler
KaxScheduler control class.
Public class KaxSchedulerConfigurationSection
Public class Code example KaxSchedulerContextMenu
A context menu control used with the KaxScheduler control.
Public class KaxSchedulerContextMenuCollection
Provides a collection container that enables KaxScheduler to maintain a list of its KaxSchedulerContextMenus.
Public class Code example KaxSchedulerContextMenuEventArgs
Provides data for the ContextMenuItemClick event of the KaxTreeView control. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class KaxSchedulerRecurrenceEditor
Public class KaxScriptBlock
Public class KaxScriptManager
ScriptManager derived class to add the ability to combine multiple smaller scripts into a larger one as a way to reduce the number of files the client must download
Public class KaxSessionPageStateCompression
Public class KaxSessionPageStatePersister
Public class KaxSiteMap
Public class KaxSiteMapDataSource
Public class KaxSiteMapNode
Represents a node in the KaxSiteMap control.
Public class KaxSiteMapNodeBinding
Represents the simple binding between the property value of an object and the property value of a KaxSiteMapNode.
Public class KaxSiteMapNodeBindingCollection
Defines the relationship between a data item and the KaxSiteMap node it is binding to in a KaxSiteMapcontrol.
Public class KaxSiteMapNodeCollection
Represents a collection of KaxSiteMapNode objects in a KaxSiteMap control.
Public class KaxSiteMapNodeEventArgs
Provides data for the NodeDataBound, NodeCreated events of the KaxSiteMap control.
Public class KaxSkinManager
Public class KaxSlidingPane
KaxSlidingPane class
Public class KaxSlidingZone
KaxSlidingZone class
Public class KaxSpell
Kettic KaxSpell
Public class KaxSplitBar
KaxSplitBar class
Public class KaxSplitBarAdjacentPanesNames
Public class KaxSplitter
kettic KaxSplitter is a flexible UI component for ASP.NET applications which allows users to manage effectively the content size and layout.
Public class KaxStyleSheetManager
A control allowing the ability to combine multiple embedded stylesheet references into a larger one as a way to reduce the number of files the client must download
Public class KaxTab
Represents a tab in the KaxTabControl control.
Public class KaxTabBinding
Defines the relationship between a data item and the tab it is binding to in a KaxTabControlcontrol.
Public class KaxTabBindingCollection
Represents a collection of KaxTabBinding objects.
Public class KaxTabCollection
A collection of KaxTab objects in a KaxTabControl control.
Public class KaxTabControl
A navigation control used to create tabbed interfaces.
Public class KaxTabControlEventArgs
Provides data for the events of the KaxTabControl control.
Public class KaxTagCloud
Kettic KaxTagCloud is a UI component for ASP.NET AJAX applications, which displays a panel (cloud) of commonly used or related keywords.
Public class KaxTagCloudEventArgs
Public class KaxTagCloudItem
This class represents a KaxTagCloud item.
Public class KaxTagCloudItemCollection
A collection of KaxTagCloudItem objects in a KaxTagCloud control.
Public class KaxTextBox
Kettic KaxTextBox
Public class KaxTicker
KaxTicker control
Public class KaxTickerItem
This class represents a KaxTicker item.
Public class KaxTickerItemCollection
A collection of KaxTickerItem objects in a KaxTicker control.
Public class KaxTimePicker
Public class KaxTimeView
KaxTimeView class
Public class KaxToolBar
KaxToolBar control class.
Public class KaxToolBarButton
Represents a single button in the KaxToolBar class.
Public class KaxToolBarButtonCollection
Public class KaxToolBarButtonEventArgs
Provides data for the ButtonDataBound event of the KaxToolBar control.
Public class KaxToolBarDropDown
Represents a dropdown in the KaxToolBar class.
Public class KaxToolBarEventArgs
Provides data for the events of the KaxToolBar control.
Public class KaxToolBarItem
Represents a single item in the KaxToolBar class.
Public class KaxToolBarItemCollection
A collection of KaxToolBarItem objects in a KaxToolBar control.
Public class KaxToolBarSplitButton
Represents a splitbutton in the KaxToolBar class.
Public class KaxToolTip
KaxToolTip class
Public class KaxToolTipBase
KaxToolTipBase class
Public class KaxToolTipManager
KaxTooltipManager class
Public class KaxTrackBar
Kettic KaxTrackBar is a flexible UI component that allows users to select a value from a defined range using a smooth or step-based trackbar.
Public class KaxTrackBarItem
KaxTrackBarItem class.
Public class KaxTrackBarItemCollection
A collection of KaxTrackBarItem objects in a KaxTrackBar control.
Public class KaxTrackBarItemEventArgs
Public class KaxTreeNode
Represents a node in the KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeNodeBinding
Represents the simple binding between the property value of an object and the property value of a KaxTreeNode.
Public class KaxTreeNodeBindingCollection
Defines the relationship between a data item and the menu item it is binding to in a KaxMenucontrol.
Public class KaxTreeNodeCollection
A collection of KaxTreeNode objects in a KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeNodeData
Data class used for transferring tree nodes from and to web services.
Public class KaxTreeNodeDragDropEventArgs
Provides data for the NodeDrop event of the KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeNodeEditEventArgs
Provides data for the NodeEdit event of the KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeNodeEventArgs
Provides data for the NodeClick, NodeExpand, NodeCheck, NodeDataBound, NodeCollapse and NodeCreated events of the KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeView
A hierarchical control used to display a tree of nodes in a web page.
Public class Code example KaxTreeViewContextMenu
A context menu control used with the KaxTreeView control.
Public class KaxTreeViewContextMenuCollection
Provides a collection container that enables KaxTreeView to maintain a list of its KaxTreeViewContextMenus.
Public class Code example KaxTreeViewContextMenuEventArgs
Provides data for the ContextMenuItemClick event of the KaxTreeView control. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class KaxUpload
Kettic KaxUpload
Public class KaxUploadContext
Public class KaxUploadHttpModule
Public class KaxUploadProgressHandler
Public class KaxWindow
Kettic KaxWindow
Public class KaxWindowBase
Public class KaxWindowLocalization
Public class KaxWindowManager
Public class KaxXmlHttpPanel
KaxXmlHttpPanel class
Public class KaxXmlHttpPanelEventArgs
Public class LayoutBuilder
Public class LayoutBuilderAttributeCollection
Public class LayoutBuilderCell
Public class LayoutBuilderCellCollection
Public class LayoutBuilderEngine
Public class LayoutBuilderRow
Public class ListBoxButtons
Public class ListBoxButtonSettings
Represents the settings of the buttons in a KaxListBox controls.
Public class Code example LiteralMaskPart
Represents a multi character MaskPart whose content cannot be modified.
Public class LosSerializer
Public class Code example LowerMaskPart
Represents a single character MaskPart. The character is converted to lower upon input.
Public class MaskPart
The abstract base class of all mask parts.
Public class MaskPartCollection
Represents the collection of mask parts in a KaxMaskedTextBox.
Public class MenuAnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration for the KaxMenu control.
Public class Code example MonthlyRecurrenceRule
Occurrences of this rule repeat on a monthly basis.
Public class MonthViewSettings
Represents settings for KaxScheduler's Month view.
Public class MonthYearFastNavigationSettings
The MonthYearFastNavigationSettings class can be used to configure KaxCalendar's client-side fast navigation.
Public class MultiDayViewSettings
Represents settings for KaxScheduler's multi-day view.
Public class NavigationBarAnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration for the KaxNavigationBar control.
Public class NavigationItem
Public class NavigationItemBinding
Public class NavigationItemBindingCollection
Public class NullEnumerableException
Public class NumberFormat
Public class NumberFormatSettings
Public class Code example NumericRangeMaskPart
Represents a MaskPart which accepts numbers in a specified range.
Public class NumericTextBoxSetting
Public class OccurrenceDeleteEventArgs
Public class PageableItemContainerLocator
Public class PagerKaxComboBoxItemComparer
Public class ProgressAreaStrings
Public class RecurrenceEditor
Public class RecurrenceExceptionCreatedEventArgs
Public class Code example RecurrencePattern
Specifies the pattern that RecurrenceRule uses to evaluate the recurrence dates set.
Public class Code example RecurrenceRange

Specifies the time frame for which given RecurrenceRule is active. It consists of the start time of the event, it's duration and optional limits.

Public class RecurrenceRule
Provides the abstract base class for recurrence rules.
Public class RecurrenceRuleConverter
Provides a type converter to convert RecurrenceRule objects to and from string representation.
Public class RegExpTextBoxSetting
Public class Reminder
Public class ReminderCollection
Public class ReminderData
Public class ReminderDismissEventArgs
Public class ReminderEventArgs
Public class ReminderSettings
Public class ReminderSnoozeEventArgs
Public class RemoveRecurrenceExceptionsContext
Public class ReorderClientOperationT
Public class Resource
Public class ResourceCollection
Public class ResourceData
Public class ResourceHeaderCreatedEventArgs
Public class ResourcesPopulatingEventArgs
Public class ResourceStyleMapping
Public class ResourceStyleMappingCollection
Public class ResourceType
Public class ResourceTypeCollection
Public class RotatorControlButtonsConfiguration
Encapsulates the properties used for the KaxRotator control buttons management.
Public class SchedulerAppointmentContainer
Public class SchedulerCancelEventArgs
Public class SchedulerEventArgs
Public class SchedulerFormContainer
Public class SchedulerFormCreatedEventArgs
Public class SchedulerFormCreatingEventArgs
Public class SchedulerInfo
Default implementation of ISchedulerInfo
Public class SchedulerNavigationCommandEventArgs
Public class SchedulerNavigationCompleteEventArgs
Public class SchedulerOperationResultT
Minimal implementation of ISchedulerOperationResult.
Public class SchedulerProviderBase
Public class SchedulerProviderCollection
Public class SchedulerResourceContainer
Public class SchedulerStrings
The localization strings to be used in KaxScheduler.
Public class SchedulerWebServiceSettings
Public class Code example SingleTemplateContainer
Base control used to contain a template. Ensures that if the template has been instantiated or the Controls collection has been accessed the template cannot be set again.
Public class SiteMapLevelSetting
Public class SiteMapLevelSettingCollection
Public class SiteMapListLayoutSetting
Public class SitemapProtocolExporter
Public class SkinChangedEventArgs
Public class SkinChangingEventArgs
Public class SpellChecker
This class can be used to initiate a spell check request using the KaxSpell dictionaries.
Public class SpellCheckerLanguage
Represents a SpellCheck dropdown item.
Public class SpellCheckerLanguageCollection
A strongly typed collection of SpellCheckerLanguage objects
Public class SpellCheckError
Contains the information about a spellcheck error. The most important properties are the mistaken word and its offset in the source text.
Public class SpellCheckErrors

A collection that stores SpellCheckError objects.

Public class SpellCheckErrorsSpellCheckErrorEnumerator
Public class SpellCheckHandler
Public class SpellCheckHandlerNoSession
Public class SpellCheckService
Public class SpellCheckValidator
SpellCheckValidator validates a form based on a KaxSpell control. It can be used to enforce spellchecking before form submission. The ControlToValidate must be set to the ID of a KaxSpell control. The KaxSpell control should be separately set up with a control to check and other options.
Public class SPKaxUploadHttpModule
Public class SplitterItem
Public class SplitterItemsCollection
A collection of SplitterItem objects in a KaxSplitter control.
Public class SplitterItemsContainer
Public class SplitterPaneBase
Public class StyleSheetCdnSettings
KaxStyleSheetManager CDN settings
Public class StyleSheetReference
Public class StyleSheetReferenceCollection
Public class TargetControl
Public class TargetControlCollection
Public class TargetInput
Public class TextBoxSetting
Public class TimelineViewSettings
Represents settings for the time line view.
Public class TimePopupButton
The control that toggles the TimeView popup. You can customize the appearance by setting the object's properties.
Public class TimeSlotContextMenuItemClickedEventArgs
Public class TimeSlotContextMenuItemClickingEventArgs
Public class TimeSlotCreatedEventArgs
Public class ToolBarAnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration for the KaxToolBar control.
Public class ToolTipTargetControl
Public class ToolTipTargetControlCollection
Public class ToolTipUpdateEventArgs
Public class TreeViewAnimationSettings
Represents the animation settings like type and duration for the KaxTreeView control.
Public class UpdateAppointmentContext
Public class UpdateClientOperationT
Used in case of update client operations.
Public class Code example UploadedFile

Provides a way to access individual files that have been uploaded by a client via a KaxUpload control.

Public class UploadedFileCollection
Provides access to and organizes files uploaded by a client.
Public class UploadedFileInfo
Public class UploadStrings
Public class Code example UpperMaskPart
Represents a single character MaskPart. The character is converted to upper upon input. .
Public class ViewSettings
Public class WebResource
Public class WebResourceSession
This class should be used in the HTTP Handler declaration for Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource if you need access to the Session object
Public class WebServiceAppointmentController
The WebServiceAppointmentController provides a facade over a SchedulerProviderBase object and is used to call your provider from web services.
Public class WebServiceSettings
Represents the settings to be used for load on demand through web service.
Public class Code example WeeklyRecurrenceRule
Occurrences of this rule repeat on a weekly basis.
Public class WeekViewSettings
Represents settings for KaxScheduler's week view.
Public class WindowCollection
Public class WindowShortcut
Public class WindowShortcutCollection
Public class XmlSchedulerProvider
A KaxScheduler provider that uses XML document as a data store.
Public class Code example YearlyRecurrenceRule
Occurrences of this rule repeat on a yearly basis.
  Interface Description
Public interface IAppointmentData
A data transfer object used for Web Service data binding.
Public interface IAppointmentFactory
Supports creating new Appointment instances.
Public interface IAsyncUploadConfiguration
An interface that describes basic async upload configuration.
Public interface IAsyncUploadResult
An interface that describes the basic information about an uploaded file.
Public interface IClientParameterConsumer
Public interface IControlItemContainer
Public interface IDockLayout
Implements methods, needed by KaxDock or KaxDockZone to register with a control which will take care of the dock positions.
Public interface IGridColumnEditor
Interface that describes the baseic column editor functionality, needed for a class that should be responsible for editing of a content of a cell in a GridEditableItem
Public interface IGridCommandEvent
Interface that provides the basic functionality needed for a class to be used to send information to Command event handler.
Public interface IGridEditableColumn
Interface that KaxGrid uses to determine the editable columns, their current state etc.
Public interface IGridInsertItem
Public interface IHideObjectMembers
Public interface IKaxAjaxPage
Public interface IKaxDateInput
Public interface IKaxFilterableContainer
Public interface IKaxFilterCommandEvent
Public interface IKaxFilterExpressionFormatter
Public interface IKaxFilterValueExpression
Public interface IKaxImageFileNameContainer
Public interface IKaxImagePersister
Represents an object which can handle image data's storage and retrieval
Public interface IKaxListViewCommandEvent
Public interface IKaxListViewFilterExpressionContainer
Represents an container for KaxListViewFilterExpression
Public interface IKaxListViewInsertItem
Public interface IKaxListViewSingleValueExpression
Public interface IKaxMenuItemContainer
Defines properties that menu item containers (KaxMenu, KaxMenuItem) should implement
Public interface IKaxNavigationItemContainer
Defines properties that menu item containers (KaxTreeView, KaxNavigationItem) should implement
Public interface IKaxNumericTextBox
Public interface IKaxPageableItemContainer
Public interface IKaxSiteMapNodeContainer
Defines properties that node containers (KaxSiteMap, KaxSiteMapNode) should implement.
Public interface IKaxTabContainer
Defines properties that tab containers (KaxTabControl, KaxTab) should implement.
Public interface IKaxToolBarButton
Defines properties that must be implemented to allow a control to act like a KaxToolBarButton item in a KaxToolBar.
Public interface IKaxToolBarButtonContainer
Defines properties that toolbar button containers (KaxToolBarDropDown, KaxToolBarSplitButton) should implement.
Public interface IKaxToolBarItemContainer
Defines properties that toolbar item container (KaxToolBar) should implement
Public interface IKaxTreeNodeContainer
Defines properties that node containers (KaxTreeView, KaxTreeNode) should implement.
Public interface IRecurrenceEditorStrings
The localization strings to be used in KaxSchedulerRecurrenceEditor.
Public interface IReminderData
Public interface IResourceData
Public interface ISchedulerInfo
This interface contains the basic information about the scheduler instance that will be transferred to the Web Service and to the corresponding provider.
Public interface ISchedulerOperationResultT
This interface defines an operation result contract that can be optionally used by the web service methods.
Public interface ISpellCheckProvider
ISpellCheckProvider interface -- defines the behavior that we need from a component to do spell checking.
  Delegate Description
Public delegate AppointmentCancelingEditEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentClickEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentCommandEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentContextMenuItemClickedEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentContextMenuItemClickingEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentDataBoundEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentDeleteEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentInsertEventHandler
Public delegate AppointmentUpdateEventHandler
Public delegate DataPagerFieldCreatedEventHandlerT
Public delegate DataPagerFieldCreatingEventHandlerT
Public delegate DockCommandEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a DockCommand event
Public delegate DockLayoutEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a SaveDockLayout or LoadDockLayout events
Public delegate DockPositionChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a DockPositionChanged event
Public delegate DynamicMethodDelegate
Public delegate EditorDialogEventHandler
Public delegate EditorExportContentEventHandler
Public delegate FileUploadedEventHandler
Public delegate FilterFieldEditorCreatedEventHandlerT
Public delegate FilterFieldEditorCreatingEventHandlerT
Public delegate GridCellDataBoundEvent
Public delegate GridColumnCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate GridColumnCreatingEventHandler
Public delegate GridColumnsReorderEventHandler
Public delegate GridCommandEventHandler
This event handler deals with the following events: CancelCommand, EditCommand, ItemCommand, SortCommand.
Public delegate GridCreateColumnEditorEventHandler
Summary description for GridCreateColumnEditorEvent.
Public delegate GridCustomAggregateEventHandler
Public delegate GridDeletedEventHandler
Public delegate GridDeletingEventHandler
Delete event handler
Public delegate GridDetailTableDataBindEventHandler
Public delegate GridDragDropEventHandler
Public delegate GridGroupsChangingEventHandler
Public delegate GridInsertedEventHandler
Public delegate GridInsertingEventHandler
Insert event handler
Public delegate GridItemEventHandler
Public delegate GridNeedDataSourceEventHandler
Public delegate GridPageChangedEventHandler
Public delegate GridPageSizeChangedEventHandler
Public delegate GridSortCommandEventHandler
Public delegate GridUpdatedEventHandler
Public delegate GridUpdatingEventHandler
Updata event handler
Public delegate KaxAjaxControlAjaxRequestDelegate
Public delegate KaxAjaxControlAjaxSettingCreatedDelegate
Public delegate KaxAjaxControlAjaxSettingCreatingDelegate
Public delegate KaxAjaxControlCommandEventDelegate
Public delegate KaxChartChartClickEventHandler
Public delegate KaxComboBoxItemEventHandler
Public delegate KaxComboBoxItemsRequestedEventHandler
Public delegate KaxComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventHandler
Public delegate KaxComboBoxTextChangedEventHandler
Public delegate KaxDateTimePickerTimeItemEventHandler
Public delegate KaxFileBrowserEventHandler
Public delegate KaxFileBrowserGridEventHandler
Public delegate KaxInputManagerInputSettingCreatingDelegate
Public delegate KaxInputManagerValidatedDelegate
Public delegate KaxInputManagerValidatingDelegate
Public delegate KaxListBoxDeletingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Deleting event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxDroppedEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Dropped event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxDroppingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Dropping event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Deleting event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxInsertingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Inserting event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxItemEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the ItemDataBound and ItemCreated events. of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxReorderingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Reordering event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxTransferredEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Transferred event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxTransferringEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Transferring event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxListBoxUpdatingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the Updating event of the KaxListBox control.
Public delegate KaxMenuEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the events provided by the KaxMenu control.
Public delegate KaxMultiPageEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the PageViewCreated event provided by the KaxMultiPage control.
Public delegate KaxNavigationBarEventHandler
Public delegate KaxRotatorEventHandler
Public delegate Code example KaxSchedulerContextMenuEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the ContextMenuItemClick event of a KaxTreeView control.
Public delegate KaxSiteMapNodeEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the NodeDataBound and NodeCreated events. of the KaxSiteMap control.
Public delegate KaxSkinManagerSkinChangedDelegate
Public delegate KaxSkinManagerSkinChangingDelegate
Public delegate KaxTabControlEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the events provided by the KaxTabControl control.
Public delegate KaxTagCloudEventHandler
Public delegate KaxToolBarButtonEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the ButtonDataBound event of a KaxToolBar control.
Public delegate KaxToolBarEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the events of a KaxToolBar control.
Public delegate KaxTrackBarItemEventHandler
Public delegate Code example KaxTreeViewContextMenuEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the ContextMenuItemClick event of a KaxTreeView control.
Public delegate KaxTreeViewDragDropEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the NodeDrop event provided by the KaxTreeView control.
Public delegate KaxTreeViewEditEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the NodeEdit event provided by the KaxTreeView control.
Public delegate KaxTreeViewEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the NodeClick, NodeExpand, NodeCheck, NodeDataBound, NodeCollapse and NodeCreated events provided by the KaxTreeView control.
Public delegate OccurrenceDeleteEventHandler
Public delegate OnExcelExportCellFormattingEventHandler
Public delegate OnGridExportingEventHandler
Public delegate OnGridPdfExportingEventHandler
Public delegate RecurrenceExceptionCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate ReminderDismissEventHandler
Public delegate ReminderSnoozeEventHandler
Public delegate ResourceHeaderCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate ResourcesPopulatingEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerCancelEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerFormCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerFormCreatingEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerNavigationCommandEventHandler
Public delegate SchedulerNavigationCompleteEventHandler
Public delegate TimeSlotContextMenuItemClickedEventHandler
Public delegate TimeSlotContextMenuItemClickingEventHandler
Public delegate TimeSlotCreatedEventHandler
Public delegate ToolTipUpdateEventHandler
Public delegate XmlHttpPanelEventHandler
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AjaxWaitIndicatorBackgroundPosition
This enumeration defines the possible positions of the KaxAjaxWaitIndicator background image. This property matters only if the Skin property is set. The default value is Center.
Public enumeration AnimationType
Represents the effects that can be used in an animation.
Public enumeration AppointmentSortingMode
Defines the appointment sorting mode for TimelineView
Public enumeration AppointmentStyleMode
Defines the styling mode for appointments.
Public enumeration BarcodeOutputType
Enumeration of the supported Barcode rendering types
Public enumeration BarcodeType
Enumeration of supported barcode standards
Public enumeration BinaryImageResizeMode
Public enumeration ButtonType
Public enumeration CalendarAnimationType
Summary description for CalendarAnimationType. Fade - The calendar or timeview fades in and out Slide - The calendar or timeview slides in and out
Public enumeration CaptchaBackgroundNoiseLevel
Amount of background noise to add to rendered image
Public enumeration CaptchaFontWarpFactor
Amount of random font warping to apply to rendered text
Public enumeration CaptchaImageStorage
Storage medium of the KaxCaptcha Image
Public enumeration CaptchaLineNoiseLevel
Amount of curved line noise to add to rendered image
Public enumeration CaptchaPossibleChars
Public enumeration ChartClientScrollMode
Diagram scrollable mode.
Public enumeration ClientOperationType
Public enumeration ColorPreset
Public enumeration CompressionType
Public enumeration ControlObjectsVisibility
Specifies which control objects will be visible on a KaxUpload control.
Public enumeration ControlTypeToApplySkin
Public enumeration DatePickerPopupDirection
Public enumeration DisplayFormatPosition
Summary description for DisplayFormatPosition.
Public enumeration DockHandle
Defines the KaxDock titlebar and grips behavior.
Public enumeration DockMode
Defines the docking behavior of a KaxDock control
Public enumeration DockToggleCommandState
Defines the state of a DockToggleCommand item
Public enumeration EditModes
Provides enumerated values to be used to set edit mode in KaxEditor

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public enumeration EditorContentAreaMode
This enum is used to list the valid modes for the KaxEditor content area.
Public enumeration EditorFileOptions
Public enumeration EditorFileTypes
Public enumeration EditorFilters
Provides enumerated values to be used to set the active content filters

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public enumeration EditorStripFormattingOptions

Provides enumerated values to be used to set format cleaning options on paste.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public enumeration EditorToolbarMode
Public enumeration EditorToolType
Public enumeration ExpandDirection
This enumeration determines the direction in which child items will open.
Public enumeration ExportType
Public enumeration FormDecoratorDecoratedControls
Public enumeration FragmentIgnoreOptions
Public enumeration GridAggregateFunction
Public enumeration GridButtonColumnType
Defines what button will be rendered in a GridButtonColumn
Public enumeration GridChildLoadMode
Defines the possible modes for loading the child items when KaxGrid displays hierarchy.
Public enumeration GridClientDataBindingParameterType
Public enumeration GridClientSettingsGridColumnsReorderMethod
Public enumeration GridCommandItemDisplay
Specifies the position of the CommandItem in Kettic KaxGrid.
Public enumeration GridConfirmDialogType
Defines what kind of confirm dialog will be used in a GridButtonColumn
Public enumeration GridCsvDelimiter
Public enumeration GridDataSourcePersistenceMode
Indicate where KaxGrid would store its data
Public enumeration GridDateTimeColumnPickerType
Public enumeration GridDropDownColumnControlType
Public enumeration GridEditFormType
Type of the edit forms in KaxGrid
Public enumeration GridEditMode

To display the grid column editors inline when switching grid item in edit mode (see the screenshot below), you simply need to change the EditMode property to InPlace.

Public enumeration GridExcelExportFormat
Public enumeration GridExpandColumnType
Public enumeration GridFilterListOptions
Choose which filter function will be enabled for a column
Public enumeration GridFocusKeys
Public enumeration GridForceExtractValues
Force KaxGrid to extract values from EditableColumns that are ReadOnly. See also the ExtractValuesFromItem(IDictionary, GridEditableItem) method.
Public enumeration GridGroupLoadMode

Specifies where the grouping will be handled. There are two options:

  • Server-side - GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.Server
  • Client-side - GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.Client
Public enumeration GridGroupsChangingAction
Public enumeration GridGroupSplitMode
Public enumeration GridHeaderButtonType

An enumeration, used to get/set the button type of the headers of the columns. The default value is LinkButton. The possible values are:

  • LinkButton
  • PushButton
  • TextButton

If set to a value other than LinkButton, the property is only honored when sorting is enabled.

Public enumeration GridHeaderContextMenuGridContextFilterTemplateFilterControl
Public enumeration GridHeaderContextMenuGridContextFilterTemplateIdSuffix
Public enumeration GridInsertItemDisplay
Public enumeration GridInsertItemPageIndexAction
Public enumeration GridItemDropPosition
Specifies the position at which the user has dragged and dropped the source item(s) with regards to the destination item.
Public enumeration GridItemType
Public enumeration GridKnownFunction
Predefined filter expression enumeration. Used by GridFilterFunction class.
Public enumeration GridPagerMode
The mode of the pager defines what buttons will be displayed and how the pager will navigate through the pages.
Public enumeration GridPagerPosition
This enumeration defines the possible positions of the pager item
Public enumeration GridPaperSize
Public enumeration GridRebindReason
Public enumeration GridResetPageIndexAction
Discribe how KaxGrid whould respond if the CurrentPageIndex is invalid when data-binding. See CurrentResetPageIndexAction
Public enumeration GridSortOrder
Enumeration representing the order of sorting data in KaxGrid
Public enumeration GridTableFrame
The frame attribute for a table specifies which sides of the frame surrounding the table will be visible.
Public enumeration GridTableLayout
Public enumeration GridTableTextDirection
Specifies the two possible text directions. Related to Kettic KaxGrid support for right-to-left languages.
Public enumeration GroupingDirection
Specifies resource grouping direction in KaxScheduler.
Public enumeration InputButtonsPosition
Public enumeration InputMode
Public enumeration InputSettingValidateOnEvent
Public enumeration ItemFlow
Represents the different ways menu items can flow.
Public enumeration KaxCaptchaProtectionStrategies
Strategies for Spam Protection. Set in the ProtectionMode property.
Public enumeration KaxComboBoxExpandDirection
The Kettic.AspNet.Controls.KaxComboBoxExpandDirection enumeration supports two values - Up and Down.
Public enumeration KaxComboBoxFilter
The Kettic.AspNet.Controls.KaxComboBoxFilter enumeration supports three values - None, Contains, StartsWith. Default is None.
Public enumeration KaxComboBoxImagePosition
Public enumeration KaxComboBoxSort
The Kettic.AspNet.Controls.KaxComboBoxSort enumeration supports three values - None, Ascending, Descending. Default is None.
Public enumeration KaxFilterExpressionPreviewPosition
Public enumeration KaxFilterFunction
Public enumeration KaxFilterGroupOperation
Public enumeration KaxListBoxSort
The Kettic.AspNet.Controls.KaxListBoxSort enumeration supports three values - None, Ascending, Descending. Default is None.
Public enumeration KaxListViewFilterFunction
Public enumeration KaxListViewGroupFilterOperator
Public enumeration KaxListViewInsertItemPosition
Specifies the location of the InsertItemTemplate template when it is rendered as part of the KaxListView control.
Public enumeration KaxListViewItemType
Specifies the function of an item in the KaxListView control.
Public enumeration KaxListViewRebindReason
Public enumeration KaxListViewSortOrder
Enumeration representing the order of sorting data in KaxListView
Public enumeration KaxNavigationItemImagePosition
The position of the image within a panel item.
Public enumeration KaxSkinManagerPersistenceMode
Public enumeration KaxTreeViewDropPosition
Specifies the position at which the user has dragged and dropped the source node(s) with regards to the destination node.
Public enumeration KetticCdnMode
Enumeration of the possible modes for the Kettic CDN.
Public enumeration ListBoxButtonPosition
Specifies the position of the buttons in a KaxListBox.
Public enumeration ListBoxDropPosition
Specifies the position at which the user has dragged and dropped the source item(s) with regards to the destination item.
Public enumeration ListBoxHorizontalAlign
Specifies the horizontal alignment of buttons
Public enumeration ListBoxReorderButtons

Specifies which reorder buttons should be shown in KaxListBox. Members might be combined using bitwise operators allowing for custom configurations.

Public enumeration ListBoxSelectionMode
This enumeration controls the Selection Mode of KaxListBox.
Public enumeration ListBoxTransferButtons

Specifies which transfer buttons should be shown in KaxListBox. Members might be combined using bitwise operators allowing for custom configurations.

Public enumeration ListBoxTransferMode
Specifies the transfer behavior
Public enumeration ListBoxVerticalAlign
Specifies the vertical alignment of buttons
Public enumeration MenuItemExpandMode
This enumeration controls the expand behaviour of the items.
Public enumeration MenuRepeatDirection
Specifies the repeat direction of KaxMenu items when rendered in columns.
Public enumeration MultiPageScrollBars
Specifies the visibility and position of scrollbars in a KaxMultiPage control.
Public enumeration NavigationBarExpandMode
Represents the different ways KaxNavigationBar behaves when an item is expanded.
Public enumeration NumericRangeAlign
Numeric range alignment options
Public enumeration NumericType
Public enumeration OutputCompression
Defines the output compression mode of the Kettic.AspNet.Controls.WebResource.axd handler.
Public enumeration OverflowBehavior
Public enumeration PagerButtonFieldType
Public enumeration PagerFieldButtonType
Public enumeration PaletteModes
Specifies the visible modes of the KaxColorPicker's palette.
Public enumeration RatingPrecision
Specifies the possible values for the Precision property of the KaxRating control.
Public enumeration RatingSelectionMode
Specifies the possible values for the SelectionMode property of the KaxRating control.
Public enumeration Code example RecurrenceDay

Specifies the days of the week. Members might be combined using bitwise operations to specify multiple days.

Public enumeration RecurrenceFrequency
Specifies the frequency of a recurrence.
Public enumeration RecurrenceMonth
Specifies the months in which given event recurs.
Public enumeration RecurrenceState
Public enumeration RotatorScrollDirection
Public enumeration RotatorType
Public enumeration SchedulerFormMode
Public enumeration SchedulerNavigationCommand
Specifies the type of navigation commands that are supported by KaxScheduler.
Public enumeration SchedulerResourcePopulationMode
Specifies the resource population mode of a KaxScheduler control when using Web Service data binding.
Public enumeration SchedulerViewType
Specifies the view mode of a KaxScheduler control.
Public enumeration SelectionOnFocus
Summary description for AutoPostBackControl.
Public enumeration SiteMapLayout
Specifies the layout mode of KaxSiteMap nodes.
Public enumeration SiteMapRepeatDirection
Specifies the repeat direction of KaxSiteMap columns.
Public enumeration SpellCheckProvider
The spellcheck provider enumeration.
Public enumeration SplitBarCollapseMode
Specifies the collapse mode of a splitbar
Public enumeration SplitterCollapseDirection
Specifies the collapse direction options of the splitter bar
Public enumeration SplitterPaneScrolling
Specifies the scrolling options for the KaxPane object
Public enumeration SplitterResizeMode
Specifies resize mode options for the KaxSplitter object
Public enumeration SplitterSlideDirection
Specifies the available directions for the slide panes
Public enumeration SplitterSlidePaneTabView
Specifies views of the pane tab
Public enumeration TabControlAlign
Specifies the alignment of tabs within the KaxTabControl control.
Public enumeration TabControlOrientation
Specifies the way tabs can be oriented
Public enumeration TabControlScrollButtonsPosition
The position of the scroll buttons when the KaxTabControl.ScrollChildren property is set to true.
Public enumeration TagCloudDistribution
Specifies the possible values for the Distribution property of the KaxTagCloud control.
Public enumeration TagCloudSorting
Specifies the possible values for the Sorting property of the KaxTagCloud control.
Public enumeration ToolBarDropDownExpandDirection
Specifies the expand direction of a drop down within the KaxToolBar control.
Public enumeration ToolBarImagePosition
Specifies the position of the image of an item within the KaxToolBar control according to the item text.
Public enumeration ToolTipAnimation
Public enumeration ToolTipHideEvent
Public enumeration ToolTipPosition
Public enumeration ToolTipRelativeDisplay
Public enumeration ToolTipScrolling
Public enumeration ToolTipShowEvent
Public enumeration TrackBarItemType
Public enumeration TrackBarThumbsInteractionMode
Public enumeration TrackBarTrackPosition
Public enumeration TrackBarValueToolTipPosition
Public enumeration TreeNodeCheckState
Specifies the checked state of KaxTreeNode.
Public enumeration TreeNodeExpandMode
This enumeration controls the expand behaviour of the nodes.
Public enumeration TreeViewLoadingStatusPosition
Specifies where the loading message is shown when Client-side load on demand is used.
Public enumeration ViewMode
Specifies KaxColorPicker's ViewMode
Public enumeration WindowAnimation
Public enumeration WindowBehaviors
Specifies the behaviors of the kaxWindow object
Public enumeration WordIgnoreOptions
Public enumeration XmlHttpPanelRenderMode
Represents the possible layout rendering options for the content of an KaxXmlHttpPanel control on a page.