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SchedulerNavigationCommand Enumeration
Specifies the type of navigation commands that are supported by KaxScheduler.

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public enum SchedulerNavigationCommand
  Member nameValueDescription
SwitchToDayView0 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to Day View as a result of user interaction.
SwitchToWeekView1 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to Week View as a result of user interaction.
SwitchToMonthView2 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to Month View as a result of user interaction.
SwitchToTimelineView3 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to Timeline View as a result of user interaction.
SwitchToMultiDayView4 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to Multi-day View as a result of user interaction.
NavigateToNextPeriod5 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to the next time period as a result of user interaction.
NavigateToPreviousPeriod6 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to the previous time period as a result of user interaction.
SwitchToSelectedDay7 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to a given date.
SwitchFullTime8 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch from/to 24-hour view as a result of user interaction.
DisplayNextAppointmentSegment9 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to adjust its visible range, so the next appointment segment becomes visible.
DisplayPreviousAppointmentSegment10 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to adjust its visible range, so the previous appointment segment becomes visible.
NavigateToSelectedDate11 Indicates that KaxScheduler is about to switch to a different date that the user has selected from the integrated date picker.
See Also