Click or drag to resize
InputSetting Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public abstract class InputSetting : IStateManager

The InputSetting type exposes the following members.

Public methodInputSetting
Public propertyBehaviorID
Gets or sets a value to access the client-side behavior.
Public propertyClientEvents
Gets or sets an instance of the InputManagerClientEvents class which defines the JavaScript functions (client-side event handlers) that are invoked when specific client-side events are raised.
Public propertyDisabledCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for TextBox when when the control is disabled.
Public propertyEmptyMessage
Gets or sets a value message shown when the control is empty.
Public propertyEmptyMessageCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for TextBox when when the control is empty.
Public propertyEnabledCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for enabled TextBox control.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Public propertyFocusedCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for invalid state of TextBox control.
Public propertyHoveredCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for hovered TextBox control.
Public propertyInitializeOnClient
Public propertyInvalidCssClass
Gets or stes the css style for invalid state of TextBox control.
Public propertyIsValid
Public propertyReadOnlyCssClass
Gets or sets the css style for Read Only state of TextBox control.
Public propertySelectionOnFocus
Public propertyTargetControls
Gets a collection of TargetInput objects that allows for specifying the objects for which input will be created on the client-side.
Public propertyValidation
Gets an instance of the InputSettingValidation class which defines the validation behavior.
See Also