Click or drag to resize
ToolTipUpdateEventArgs Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class ToolTipUpdateEventArgs : EventArgs

The ToolTipUpdateEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyTargetControlID
The ClientID of the target control for which the tooltip is currently being shown.
Public propertyUpdatePanel
Provides a reference to the UpdatePanel of KaxToolTipManager. Allows content and controls to be set and displayed in the tooltip on the client
Public propertyValue
An optional parameter allowing arbitrary information to be passed from the client to the server to help determine what information to load in the tooltip in the AJAX request
See Also