Click or drag to resize
GridButtonColumn Class

It displays a button for each item in the column.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class GridButtonColumn : GridColumn

The GridButtonColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodGridButtonColumn
Constructs a new GridButtonColumn object.
Public methodClone
Returns a copy of the GridButtonColumn.
(Overrides GridColumnClone.)
Public methodInitialize

The Initialize method is inherited by a derived GridButtonColumn class. Is is used to reset a column of the derived type.

(Overrides GridColumnInitialize.)
Public methodInitializeCell

After a call to this method the column should add the corresponding button into the cell given, regarding the inItem type and column index.

Note: This method is called within KaxGrid and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

(Overrides GridColumnInitializeCell(TableCell, Int32, GridItem).)
Public propertyButtonCssClass
Gets or sets the CssClass of the button
Public propertyButtonType
Gets or sets a value indicating the type of the button that will be rendered. The type should be one of the specified by the GridButtonColumnType enumeration.
Public propertyCommandArgument
Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName.
Public propertyCommandName
Gets or sets a value defining the name of the command that will be fired when a button in this column is clicked.
Public propertyConfirmDialogHeight
Gets or sets the height of the Confirm Dialog (if it is a KaxWindow)
Public propertyConfirmDialogType
Public propertyConfirmDialogWidth
Gets or sets the width of the Confirm Dialog (if it is a KaxWindow)
Public propertyConfirmText
Gets or sets the text that will be shown on the confirmation dialog when a button in this column is clicked. The prompt is automatically enabled when this property is set.
Public propertyConfirmTitle
Gets or sets the title that will be shown on the KaxWindow confirmation dialog when a button in this column is clicked.
Public propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets a value from the specified datasource field. This value will then be displayed in the GridBoundColumn.
Public propertyDataTextFormatString
Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for the caption in each button.
Public propertyGroupable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column can be used for grouping. If set to false the column header cannot be dragged to the GroupPanel.
(Overrides GridColumnGroupable.)
Public propertyImageUrl
Gets or sets a value indicating the URL for the image that will be used in a Image button. ButtonType should be set to ImageButton.
Public propertyIsEditable
Gets the status of ShowInEditForm property.
(Overrides GridColumnIsEditable.)
Public propertyShowInEditForm

If the corresponding GridTableView is in edit mode InPlace specifies whether this column will render an Enabled=true button control, when the corresponding item is edit mode.

Public propertyText
Gets or sets a value indicating the text that will be shown for a button.
See Also