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GridColumn Class

A Column is the main logic unit that relates the content of the grid to properties of the objects in the DataSource.

The GridColumn defines the properties and methods that are common to all column types in KaxGrid. As it is an abstract class (MustInherit in VB.NET) GridColumn class can not be created directly. You should inherit it and use its children.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public abstract class GridColumn : IStateManager, 

The GridColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodGridColumn
Creates and initializes a new column with its base properties.
Public methodStatic memberAddSubPropertyFieldInfo
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the current column.
Public methodEvaluateFilterExpression
Public methodEvaluateFilterExpression(GridFilteringItem)
Gets a string representing a filter expression, based on the settings of all columns that support filtering, with a syntax ready to be used by a DataView object
Public methodGetCustomPropertyDataFields

This method should be used in case you develop your own column. It returns the full list of DataFields used by the column. GridTableView uses this to decide which DataFields from the specified DataSource will be inlcuded in case of GridTableView.RetrieveAllDataFields is set to false.

Public methodGetDefaultGroupByExpression
Calculate the default Group-by expression based on the settings of the DataField (if available)
Public methodStatic memberInheritanceSafeClone
Public methodInitialize

The Initialize method is inherited by a derived GridColumn class. Is is used to reset a column of the derived type.

Public methodInitializeCell

After a call to this method the column should add the corresponding controls (text, labels, input controls) into the cell given, regarding the inItem type and column index.

Note: This method is called within KaxGrid and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public methodIsBoundToFieldName
This method returns true if the column is bound to the specified field name.
Public methodPrepareCell
Prepares the cell of the item given, when grid is rendered.
Public methodRefreshCurrentFilterValue(GridFilteringItem)
Modifies the CurrentFilterValue property according to the corresponding selected item in the filter text-box control in the filtering item.
Public methodRefreshCurrentFilterValue(GridFilteringItem, String)
Modifies the CurrentFilterFunction and CurrentFilterValue properties according to the function given and the corresponding filter text-box control in the filtering item.
Public methodResetCurrentFilterValue
Public methodResetCurrentFilterValue(GridFilteringItem)
Resets the values of the CurrentFilterFunction and CurrentFilterValue properties to their defaults.
Public methodSupportsFiltering
This method should be used in case you develop your own column. It returns true if the column supports filtering.
Public propertyAndCurrentFilterFunction
Gets or sets the current second filter condition function.
Public propertyAndCurrentFilterValue
Gets or sets a value of the currently applied second filter condition value.
Public propertyAutoPostBackOnFilter
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid should automatically postback, when the value in the filter text-box changes, and the the focus moves to another element.
Public propertyColumnType
Gets the string representation of the type-name of this instance. The value is used by KaxGrid to determine the type of the columns persisted into the ViewState, when recreating the grid after postback. The value is also used by the grid client-side object. This property is read only.
Public propertyCurrentFilterFunction
Gets or sets the current function used for filtering.
Public propertyCurrentFilterValue
Gets or sets a value of the currently applied filter.
Public propertyDataType

Gets or sets (see the Remarks) the type of the data from the DataField as it was set in the DataSource.

Public propertyDataTypeName
Gets the string representation of the DataType property of the column, needed for the client-side grid instance.
Public propertyDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cells corresponding to a column would be rendered with a 'display:none' style attribute (end-user-not-visible). To completely prevent cells from rendering, set the Visible property to false, instead of the Display property.
Public propertyEditFormColumnIndex

Specifies the vertical collumn number where this column will appear when using EditForms editing mode and the form is autogenerated. See the remarks for details.

Public propertyEditFormHeaderTextFormat
String that formats the HeaderText when the column is displayed in an edit form
Public propertyFilterControlAltText
Gets or Sets the text value which should be added to alt attribute of the filter control
Public propertyFilterControlWidth

Use this property to set width to the filtering control (depending on the column type, this may be a normal textbox, KaxNumericTextBox, KaxDatePicker, etc.)

Public propertyFilterDelay
Public propertyFilterImageToolTip
Public propertyFilterImageUrl
Gets or sets a string representing the URL to the image used in the filtering box.
Public propertyFilterListOptions
Gets or sets the value indincating which of the filter functions should be available for that column. For more information see GridFilterListOptions enumaration.
Public propertyFilterTemplate
Gets or sets the template, which will be rendered in the filter item cell of the column.
Public propertyFooterStyle
Style of the cell in the footer item of the grid, corresponding to the column.
Public propertyFooterText

Use the FooterText property to specify your own or determine the current text for the footer section of the column.

Public propertyGroupable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you will be able to group Kettic KaxGrid by that column. By default this property is true.
Public propertyGroupByExpression

The group-expression that should be used when grid is grouping-by this column. If not set explicitly, KaxGrid will generate a group expression based on the DataField of the column (if available), using the GetDefaultGroupByExpression method.

The grouping can be turned on/off for columns like GridBoundColumn using Groupable property.

For more information about the Group-By expressions and their syntax, see GridGroupByExpression class.

Public propertyHeaderAbbr
Public propertyHeaderAxis
Public propertyHeaderButtonType

Gets or sets the button type of the button rendered in the header item, used for sorting. The possible values that this property accepts are:


Public propertyHeaderImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL of an image in the cell in the header item of the grid current column. You can use a relative or an absolute URL.
Public propertyHeaderStyle
Style of the cell in the header item of the grid, corresponding to the column.
Public propertyHeaderText
Use the HeaderText property to specify your own or determine the current text for the header section of the column.
Public propertyHeaderTooltip
Public propertyIsEditable

This property is supposed for developers of new grid columns. It gets whether a column is currently ReadOnly. The ReadOnly property determines whether a column will be editable in edit mode. A column for which the ReadOnly property is true will not be present in the automatically generated edit form.

Public propertyItemStyle
Style of the cells, corresponding to the column.
Public propertyOrderIndex
Gets or sets the order index of column in the collection of RenderColumns. Use SwapColumns(String, String) method for reordering the columns.
Public propertyOwner
Gets the instance of the GridTableVeiw wich owns this column instance.
Public propertyOwnerGridID
Gets the value of the ClientID property of the KaxGrid instance that owns this column. This property value is used by grid's client object
Public propertyOwnerID
Gets the value of the ClientID property of the GridTableView that owns this column. This property value is used by grid's client object
Public propertyReorderable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column can be reordered client-side.
Public propertyResizable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column can be resized client-side. You can use this property, by setting it to false, to disable resizing for a particular column, while preserving this functionality for all the other columns.
Public propertyShowFilterIcon
Public propertyShowSortIcon
Get or Sets a value indicating whether a sort icon should appear next to the header button, when a column is sorted.
Public propertySortAscImageUrl
Gets or sets a string representing the URL to the image used for sorting in ascending mode.
Public propertySortDescImageUrl
Gets or sets a string representing the URL to the image used for sorting in descending mode.
Public propertySortedBackColor
Public propertySortExpression
The string representing a filed-name from the DataSource that should be used when grid sorts by this column. For example: 'EmployeeName'
Public propertyUniqueName
Each column in Kettic KaxGrid has an UniqueName property (string). This property is assigned automatically by the designer (or the first time you want to access the columns if they are built dynamically).
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating if the column and all corresponding cells would be rendered.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy