Click or drag to resize
GridExpandColumn Class
This column appears when the grid has a hierarchical structure, to facilitate the expand/collapse functionality. The expand column is always placed in front of all other grid content columns and can not be moved.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class GridExpandColumn : GridColumn

The GridExpandColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodGridExpandColumn
Public propertyButtonType
Gets a Kettic.AspNet.Controls.GridExpandColumnType value, indicating the type of the button. The button of the GridExpandColumn is always of type ImageButton.
Public propertyCollapseImageUrl
Gets or sets a string, specifying the URL to the image, which will be used instead of the default Collapse image for the GridGroupSplitterColumn (the minus sign).
Public propertyCommandName
Gets or sets a string, representing the CommandName of the GridExpandColumn. The command name's default value is "ExpandCollapse". It can be used to determine the type of command in the ItemCommand event handler. function GridCreated() { }
Public propertyExpandImageUrl
Gets or sets a string, specifying the URL to the image, which will be used instead of the default Expand image for the GridGroupSplitterColumn (the plus sign).
Public propertyGroupable
Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the GridGroupSplitterColumn is groupable. This value is always false.
(Overrides GridColumnGroupable.)
Public propertyReorderable
Gets a Boolean value, indicating whether the GridExpandColumn is reorderable. This value is always false, due to the specificity of the column, which should always be positioned first.
(Overrides GridColumnReorderable.)
Public propertyResizable
Gets a Boolean value, indicating whether the GridExpandColumn is resizable. This value is always false, due to the specificity of the column, which should always be positioned first.
(Overrides GridColumnResizable.)
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets or sets a string, specifying the Unique name of the column. The default value is "ExpandColumn". function GridCreated() { }
(Overrides GridColumnUniqueName.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets a Boolean value, indicating whether the GridExpandColumn is visible. This value is always false, due to the specificity of the column.
(Overrides GridColumnVisible.)
See Also