Click or drag to resize
KaxTabControl Class
A navigation control used to create tabbed interfaces.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxTabControl : HierarchicalControlItemContainer, 
	IKaxTabContainer, IPostBackEventHandler

The KaxTabControl type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleKaxTabControl
Initializes a new instance of the KaxTabControl class.
Public methodCode exampleFindTab
Returns the first KaxTab that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate. The predicate should returns a boolean value.
Public methodFindTabByText(String)
Searches the KaxTabControl control for the first KaxTab whose Text property is equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindTabByText(String, Boolean)
Searches the KaxTabControl control for the first KaxTab whose Text property is equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindTabByUrl
Searches the KaxTabControl control for the first KaxTab whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindTabByValue(String)
Searches the KaxTabControl control for the first KaxTab whose Value property is equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindTabByValue(String, Boolean)
Searches the KaxTabControl control for the first KaxTab whose Value property is equal to the specified value.
Public methodGetAllTabs
Gets a linear list of all tabs in the KaxTabControl control.
Public methodCode exampleLoadContentFile
Populates the KaxTabControl control from external XML file.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerLoadContentFile(String).)
Public propertyAlign
Gets or sets the alignment of the tabs in the KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyAppendDataBoundItems

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether child tabs are cleared before data binding.

(Overrides ControlItemContainerAppendDataBoundItems.)
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether tabs should postback when clicked.
Public propertyCausesValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when a tab within the KaxTabControl control is selected.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerCausesValidation.)
Public propertyClickSelectedTab
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tabcontrol should postback when the user clicks the currently selected tab.
Public propertyCode exampleClientChanges
Gets a list of all client-side changes (adding a tab, removing a tab, changing a tab's property) which have occurred.
Public propertyDataBindings
Gets a collection of KaxTabBindingCollection objects that define the relationship between a data item and the tab it is binding to.
Public propertyCode exampleDataFieldID
Gets or sets the field from the data source which is the "child" column in the "parent-child" relationship used to databind the KaxTabControl control.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerDataFieldID.)
Public propertyCode exampleDataFieldParentID
Gets or sets the field from the data source which is the "parent" column in the "parent-child" relationship used to databind the KaxTabControl control.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerDataFieldParentID.)
Public propertyCode exampleDataNavigateUrlField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the URL to which tabs navigate.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerDataNavigateUrlField.)
Public propertyCode exampleDataTextField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the text content of the tabs.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerDataTextField.)
Public propertyDataTextFormatString
Gets or sets the formatting string used to control how text to the tabcontrol control is displayed.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerDataTextFormatString.)
Public propertyCode exampleDataValueField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the value of the tabs.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerDataValueField.)
Public propertyEnableSubLevelStyles
Controls whether the subitems of the tabcontrol will have different styles than the main items.
Public propertyInnermostSelectedTab
Gets the innermost selected tab in a hierarchical KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyKaxTabScrolling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tabcontrol should scroll directly to the next tab.
Public propertyMaxDataBindDepth
Gets or sets the maximum number of levels to bind to the KaxTabControl control.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerMaxDataBindDepth.)
Public propertyMultiPage
Gets the associated KaxMultiPage control if the MultiPageID property is set.
Public propertyCode exampleMultiPageID
Gets or sets the ID of the KaxMultiPage control that will be controlled by the current KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientContextMenu
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before the browser context menu shows (after right-clicking an item).
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientDoubleClick
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the user double-clicks a tab.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientLoad
Gets or sets the name of the javascript function called when the control is fully initialized on the client side.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientMouseOut
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse leaves a tab in the KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientMouseOver
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse hovers a tab in the KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientTabSelected
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after selecting a tab.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientTabSelecting
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called just prior to selecting a tab.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientTabUnSelected
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after a tab is unselected (i.e. the user has selected another tab).
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets a value indicating the orientation of child tabs within the KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyPostBackUrl
Gets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page when a tab from the tabcontrol is clicked.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerPostBackUrl.)
Public propertyReorderTabsOnSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row of the selected tab should move to the bottom.
Public propertyScrollButtonsPosition
The position of the scroll buttons with regards to the tab band.
Public propertyScrollChildren
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the immediate children of the KaxTabControl control will be scrollable.
Public propertyScrollPosition
Gets or sets the position of the scrollable band of tabs relative to the beginning of the scrolling area.
Public propertyCode exampleSelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected child tab.
Public propertySelectedTab
Gets the selected child tab.
Public propertyShowBaseLine
Shows or hides the image at the base of the first level of tabs.
Public propertyCode exampleTabs
Gets a KaxTabCollection object that contains the root tabs of the current KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyCode exampleTabTemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying all tabs in the KaxTabControl control.
Public propertyUnSelectChildren
Gets or sets a value determining whether child tabs are unselected when a parent tab is unselected.
Public propertyValidationGroup

Gets or sets the name of the validation group to which this validation control belongs.

(Overrides ControlItemContainerValidationGroup.)
Public eventCode exampleTabClick
Occurs on the server when a tab in the KaxTabControl control is clicked.
Public eventCode exampleTabCreated
Occurs when a tab is created.
Public eventCode exampleTabDataBound
Occurs when a tab is data bound.
Public eventCode exampleTemplateNeeded
Occurs before template is being applied to the tab.

The KaxTabControl control is used to display a list of tabs in a Web Forms page and is often used in combination with a KaxMultiPage control for building tabbed interfaces. The KaxTabControl control supports the following features:

  • Databinding that allows the control to be populated from various datasources
  • Programmatic access to the KaxTabControl object model which allows to dynamic creation of tabcontrols, populate h tabs, set properties.
  • Customizable appearance through built-in or user-defined skins.


The KaxTabControl control is made up of tree of tabs represented by KaxTab objects. Tabs at the top level (level 0) are called root tabs. A tab that has a parent tab is called a child tab. All root tabs are stored in the Tabs collection. Child tabs are stored in a parent tab's Tabs collection.

Each tab has a Text and a Value property. The value of the Text property is displayed in the KaxTabControl control, while the Value property is used to store any additional data about the tab, such as data passed to the postback event associated with the tab. When clicked, a tab can navigate to another Web page indicated by the NavigateUrl property.

See Also