Click or drag to resize
KaxTagCloud Class
Kettic KaxTagCloud is a UI component for ASP.NET AJAX applications, which displays a panel (cloud) of commonly used or related keywords.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxTagCloud : KaxDataBoundControl, 
	IPostBackEventHandler, INamingContainer

The KaxTagCloud type exposes the following members.

Public methodKaxTagCloud
Public methodBindToEnumerableData
Binds the TagCloud to a IEnumerable data source
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user interacts with the control.
Public propertyDataNavigateUrlField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the URL (NavigateUrl) content of the TagCloud items.
Public propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the text content of the TagCloud items.
Public propertyDataWeightField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the weight of the TagCloud items.
Public propertyDistribution
Gets or sets a value indicating how the font-size will be distributed among the different words. There is Linear and Logarithmic Distribution. (Use Kettic.AspNet.Controls.TagCloudDistribution.Linear or Kettic.AspNet.Controls.TagCloudDistribution.Logarithmic)
Public propertyItems
Gets the collection of all TagCloud items currently present in the TagCloud.
Public propertyMaxColor
Gets or sets the fore color to the most important (frequent) item.
Public propertyMaxFontSize
Gets or sets the font-size to the most important (frequent) item.
Public propertyMaxNumberOfItems
Gets or sets the number of visible items in the cloud.
Public propertyMinColor
Gets or sets the fore color to the least important (frequent) item.
Public propertyMinFontSize
Gets or sets the font-size to the least important (frequent) item.
Public propertyMinimalWeightAllowed
Gets or sets the minimal weight a TagCloud item could have. If the weight of the item is less than this value, the keyword will not appear in the cloud.
Public propertyOnClientItemClicked
The name of the javascript function called after an item is clicked.
Public propertyOnClientItemClicking
The name of the javascript function called when an item is clicked.
Public propertyOnClientLoad
The name of the javascript function when the control loads.
Public propertyPostBackUrl
The URL to post to when an item is clicked.
Public propertyRenderItemWeight
Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the item weight will be rendered. It is rendered right next to the item's text.
Public propertySorting
Gets or sets a value indicating how the TagCloud items will be sorted. Possible values are alphabetic and weighted sorting in ascending/descending order.
Public propertyTakeTopWeightedItems
Must be used with MaxNumberOfItems property.
Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the [MaxNumberOfItems] visible items will be the ones with the biggest weight, or the ones that occur first in the DataSource. The default value is false.
Public eventItemClick
Adds or removes an event handler method from the ItemClick event. The event is fired after KaxTagCloudItem is clicked.
Public eventItemDataBound
Adds or removes an event handler method from the ItemDataBound event. The event is fried right after KaxTagCloudItem is databound.
See Also