Click or drag to resize
KaxDatePicker Class
KaxDatePicker class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxDatePicker : KaxWebControl, 
	INamingContainer, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler

The KaxDatePicker type exposes the following members.

Public methodKaxDatePicker
Public methodClear
Clears the selected date of the KaxDatePicker control and displays a blank date.
Public methodConfigureCalendar
Override this method to provide any last minute configuration changes. Make sure you call the base implementation.
Public methodConfigureDateInput
Override this method to provide any last minute configuration changes. Make sure you call the base implementation.
Public methodFocus (Overrides ControlFocus.)
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user interacts with the control.
Public propertyCalendar
Gets the KaxCalendar instance of the datepicker control.
Public propertyClientEvents
Gets or sets an instance of DatePickerClientEvents class which defines the JavaScript functions (client-side event handlers) that are invoked when specific client-side events are raised.
Public propertyCode exampleCulture
Gets or sets the culture used by KaxDatePicker to format the date.
Public propertyDateInput
Gets the KaxDateInput instance of the datepicker control.
Public propertyDatePopupButton
Gets the DatePopupButton instance of the datepicker control. You can use the object to customize the popup button's appearance and behavior.
Public propertyCode exampleDbSelectedDate
Gets or sets the date content of KaxDatePicker in a database friendly way.
Public propertyEnabled (Overrides KaxWebControl.Enabled.)
Public propertyEnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet.)
Public propertyEnableEmbeddedScripts (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedScripts.)
Public propertyEnableEmbeddedSkins (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedSkins.)
Public propertyEnableScreenBoundaryDetection
Gets or sets whether the screen boundaries should be taken into consideration when the Calendar or TimeView are displayed.
Public propertyEnableTyping
Enables or disables typing in the date input box.
Public propertyFocusedDate
Gets or sets the date that the Calendar uses for focusing itself whenever the KaxDateInput component of the KaxDatePicker is empty.
Public propertyHideAnimation
Public propertyImagesPath
Gets or sets default path for the grid images when EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false.
Public propertyIsEmpty
Used to determine if KaxDatePicker is empty.
Public propertyMaxDate
Gets or sets the latest valid date for selection. Selecting a date later than that will not be allowed.
Public propertyMinDate
Gets or sets the minimal range date for selection. Selecting a date earlier than that will not be allowed.
Public propertyPopupDirection
Gets or sets the direction in which the popup Calendar is displayed, with relation to the DatePicker control.
Public propertyRegisterWithScriptManager (Overrides KaxWebControl.RegisterWithScriptManager.)
Public propertyCode exampleSelectedDate
Gets or sets the date content of KaxDatePicker.
Public propertySharedCalendar
Gets or sets the reference to the calendar that will be used for picking dates. This property allows you to configure several datepickers to use a single KaxCalendar instance.
Public propertySharedCalendarID
Gets or sets the ID of the calendar that will be used for picking dates. This property allows you to configure several datepickers to use a single KaxCalendar instance.
Public propertyShowAnimation
Public propertyShowPopupOnFocus
Gets or sets whether the popup control (Calendar or TimeView) is displayed when the DateInput textbox is focused.
Public propertySkin (Overrides KaxWebControl.Skin.)
Public propertyTabIndex (Overrides KaxWebControl.TabIndex.)
Public propertyValidationDate
This property is used by the KaxDateInput's internals only. It is subject to change in the future versions. Please do not use.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the datepicker in pixels.
(Overrides KaxWebControl.Width.)
Public propertyZIndex
Gets or sets the z-index style of the control's popups
Public eventChildrenCreated
Occurs after all child controls of the DatePicker control have been created. You can customize the control there, and add additional child controls.
Public eventSelectedDateChanged
Occurs when the selected date of the DatePicker changes between posts to the server.
See Also