Click or drag to resize
KaxGrid Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxGrid : GridBaseDataList, INamingContainer, 
	IPostBackDataHandler, IPostBackEventHandler, IKaxFilterableContainer, ILocalizableControl

The KaxGrid type exposes the following members.

Public methodKaxGrid
Public methodDataBind
Bind data for MainView and its hierarchy table GridTableView, before Data Binding, you need specify the data source first.
(Overrides BaseDataBoundControlDataBind.)
Public methodStatic memberGetBindingData(String, String, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Public methodStatic memberGetBindingData(String, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Public methodPrepareRowsRecursive
Public methodPrepareRowsVisibilityRecursive
Public methodRebind
Public methodSerializeStyle
Public fieldStatic memberCancelAllCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberCancelCommandName
Represents the Cancel command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberDeleteCommandName
Represents the "Delete" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberDeleteSelectedCommandName
Represents the "DeleteSelected" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberDeselectCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberDownloadAttachmentCommandName
Represents the "DownloadAttachment" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberEditAllCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberEditCommandName
Represents the "Edit" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberEditSelectedCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberExpandCollapseCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberExportToCsvCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberExportToExcelCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberExportToPdfCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberExportToWordCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberFilterCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberFirstPageCommandArgument
Public fieldStatic memberHeaderContextMenuFilterCommandName
Represents the name of the filter command fired through KaxGrid's header context menu.
Public fieldStatic memberInitInsertCommandName
Represents the "InitInsert" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberLastPageCommandArgument
Public fieldStatic memberNextPageCommandArgument
Public fieldStatic memberPageCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberPerformInsertCommandName
Represents the "PerformInsert" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberPrevPageCommandArgument
Public fieldStatic memberRebindGridCommandName
Represents the "RebindGrid" command name. This field is read-only. Forces KaxGrid.Rebind
Public fieldStatic memberSelectCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberSortCommandName
Public fieldStatic memberUpdateCommandName
Represents the "Update" command name. This field is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberUpdateEditedCommandName
Represents the "UpdateEdited" command name. Updates all items that are in edit mode. This field is read-only.
Public propertyActiveItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the active items.
Public propertyAllowAutomaticDeletes
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow to delete the data from the data source upon request automatcially.
Public propertyAllowAutomaticInserts
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow to insert the data to the data source upon request automatcially.
Public propertyAllowAutomaticUpdates
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow to update the data source after receipt of the request.
Public propertyAllowCustomPaging
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to use custom paging override automatic paging.
Public propertyAllowFilteringByColumn
Gets a boolean value that indicate whether to allow to filter in all levels, unless you specify AllowFilteringByColumn for other GridTableView.
Public propertyAllowMultiRowEdit
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow to enter edit mode in multi-row. The defaulst value is false.
Public propertyAllowMultiRowSelection
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow to select multi-row. The defaulst value is false.
Public propertyAllowPaging
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether allow to paging. The default value is false.
Public propertyAllowSorting
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether allow to sorting. The default value is false.
Public propertyAlternatingItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allowing you to set the style for the alternate data item.
Public propertyAutoGenerateColumns
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow columns created based on the data source automatically. The default value is true.
Public propertyAutoGenerateDeleteColumn
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow Kettic KaxGrid to create a delete column automatically, the default value is false.
Public propertyAutoGenerateEditColumn
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow Kettic KaxGrid to create edit the column automatically, the default value is false.
Public propertyAutoGenerateHierarchy
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to allow hierarchy table created according to the data source bound automatically. The default value is false.
Public propertyBackImageUrl
Gets or sets the background image URL for KaxGrid.
Public propertyClientSettings
Get a GridClientSettings object, allowing you to set the client's behavior of KaxGrid.
Public propertyColumns
Gets a GridColumnCollection object, contains all the columns in grid.
Public propertyCommandItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the command items.
Public propertyCulture
Public propertyCurrentPageIndex
Gets or sets an integer that represents the current page of grid, you need to set up KaxGrid.AllowPaging property to true to enable paging.
Public propertyDataMember (Overrides KaxCompositeDataBoundControl.DataMember.)
Public propertyDataSource
Gets or set the data source of KaxGrid. The default value is a null reference.
(Overrides KaxCompositeDataBoundControl.DataSource.)
Public propertyDataSourceID
Gets or sets the data source control id in KaxGrid.
(Overrides KaxCompositeDataBoundControl.DataSourceID.)
Public propertyEditIndexes
Gets a collection that contains all items index in edit mode.
Public propertyEditItems
Gets a collection of GridItems, contains all items in the edit mode.
Public propertyEditItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set style for edit item in grid control.
Public propertyEnableHeaderContextFilterMenu
Gets a boolean value that indicate whether to enable header context filter menu, default value is false.
Public propertyEnableHeaderContextMenu
Gets a boolean value that indicate whether to enable the header context menu, default value is false.
Public propertyEnableLinqExpressions
Gets or set a value that indicates whether to enable LINQ expression. The default value is enable.
Public propertyEnableViewState (Overrides KaxCompositeDataBoundControl.EnableViewState.)
Public propertyExportSettings
Gets a GridExportSettings object, allowing you to do a exporting operation settings to the grid.
Public propertyFilterItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the filter item.
Public propertyFilterMenu
Gets a GridFilterMenu object, which will display after clicking the filter button.
Public propertyFooterStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the footer.
Public propertyGroupHeaderItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allowing to set the style for group-header.
Public propertyGroupingEnabled
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to enable grouping, the default value is true.
Public propertyGroupingSettings
Gets a GridGroupingSetting object, allowing you to do a grouping operation settings to the grid.
Public propertyGroupPanel
Gets a GroupPanel object.
Public propertyHeaderContextMenu
Gets the grid header context.
Public propertyHeaderStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the header.
Public propertyHierarchySettings
Gets a GridHierarchySettings object, allowing you to do a hierarchy operation settings to the grid.
Public propertyImagesPath
Gets or sets the default image path in grid.
Public propertyItems
Gets a collection of all GridDataItems.
Public propertyItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of the data items.
Public propertyMainView
Gets a GridTableView object, which is KaxGrid master data table.
Public propertyPageCount
Gets the total data source page count.
Public propertyPagerStyle
Gets a GridPagerStyle object, allows you to set page item style in the grid.
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets an integer value, that indicates the data items count in a single page.
Public propertySelectedIndexes
Gets a collection of index of the selected item.
Public propertySelectedItems
Gets a collection of GridDataItems selected items.
Public propertySelectedItemStyle
Gets a GridTableItemStyle object, allows you to set the style of selected items.
Public propertySelectedValue
Get KaxGrid controls selected row data key.
Public propertySelectedValues
Public propertyShowFooter
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to show footer in grid. The default value is false.
Public propertyShowGroupPanel
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to display GridGroupPanel, the default value is false.
Public propertyShowHeader
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to show header in grid. The default value is true.
Public propertyShowStatusBar
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to show status bar in grid.
Public propertySkin
Gets or sets the skin name of the control.
(Overrides KaxCompositeDataBoundControl.Skin.)
Public propertySortingSettings
Gets a GridSortingSettings object, allowing you to do a sorting operation settings to the grid.
Public propertyStatusBarSettings
Gets a GridStatusBarItemSettings object, allows you to change the settings of status bar.
Public propertyValidationSettings
Gets a GridValidationSettings object, allowing you to do a validation operation settings to the grid.
Public propertyVirtualItemCount
Gets or sets an integer value that indicates the total number of using custom paging data source.
Public eventCancelCommand
The event triggered after clicking the cancel button in the Kettic KaxGrid control.
Public eventColumnCreated
ColumnCreating will be trigger after a custom column created.
Public eventColumnCreating
ColumnCreating will be trigger before a column created.
Public eventColumnsReorder
This event is trigger after column reordered.
Public eventCreateColumnEditor
Fires when each editable column creates its column editor.
Public eventCustomAggregate
Public eventDeleteCommand
DeleteCommand will be triggered when the delete button is clicked.
Public eventDetailTableDataBind
Triggered when an detail table requires data binding.
Public eventEditCommand
When you click on the Edit button grid will trigger this event.
Public eventExcelExportCellFormatting
This event is triggered when exporting.
Public eventExcelMLExportRowCreated
This event is triggered after exporting to ExcelML and the row created.
Public eventExcelMLExportStylesCreated
This event is triggered after exporting to ExcelML and the ExcelML style created.
Public eventGridExporting
This event is triggered when exporting
Public eventGroupsChanging
This event is triggered after a grouping operation submitted.
Public eventInsertCommand
This event is triggered when insert button clicked.
Public eventItemCommand
Any command bubbles will trigger this event.
Public eventItemCreated
Each GridItem created will trigger this event.
Public eventItemDataBound
Data binding in Kettic KaxGrid will trigger this event.
Public eventItemDeleted
This event is triggered automatically after deleting operation is finished.
Public eventItemInserted
This event is triggered automatically after inserting operation is finished.
Public eventItemUpdated
This event is triggered automatically after updating operation is performed.
Public eventNeedDataSource
Triggered when the Kettic KaxGrid need to bind data, and the data source must be defined.
Public eventPageIndexChanged
Current page index changed will trigger this event.
Public eventPageSizeChanged
PageSize changed will trigger this event.
Public eventPdfExporting
This event is triggered when exporting to PDF.
Public eventRowDrop
Public eventSortCommand
This event is triggered when a column sorting.
Public eventUpdateCommand
This event is triggered when update button clicked.
See Also