Click or drag to resize
KaxMenu Class
A navigation control used to display a menu in a web page.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxMenu : HierarchicalControlItemContainer, IKaxMenuItemContainer, 

The KaxMenu type exposes the following members.

Public methodKaxMenu
Public methodClearSelectedItem
This methods clears the selected item of the current KaxMenu instance. Useful when you need to clear item selection after postback.
Public methodCode exampleFindItem
Returns the first KaxMenuItem that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate. The predicate should returns a boolean value.
Public methodFindItemByText(String)
Searches the KaxMenu control for the first KaxMenuItem with a Text property equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindItemByText(String, Boolean)
Searches the KaxMenu control for the first KaxMenuItem with a Text property equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindItemByUrl
Searches the KaxMenu control for the first Item with a NavigateUrl property equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindItemByValue(String)
Searches the KaxMenu control for the first KaxMenuItem with a Value property equal to the specified value.
Public methodFindItemByValue(String, Boolean)
Searches the KaxMenu control for the first KaxMenuItem with a Value property equal to the specified value.
Public methodCode exampleGetAllItems
Gets a linear list of all items in the KaxMenu control.
Public methodCode exampleLoadContentFile
Populates the KaxMenu control from external XML file.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerLoadContentFile(String).)
Public propertyAutoScrollMinimumHeight
The minimum available height that is needed to enable the auto-scroll.
Public propertyAutoScrollMinimumWidth
The minimum available width that is needed to enable the auto-scroll.
Public propertyClickToOpen
Gets or sets a value indicating whether root items should open on mouse click.
Public propertyCode exampleClientChanges
Gets a list of all client-side changes (adding an item, removing an item, changing an item's property) which have occurred.
Public propertyCode exampleCollapseAnimation
Gets the settings for the animation played when an item closes.
Public propertyCode exampleCollapseDelay
Gets or sets a value indicating the timeout after which a menu item starts to close.
Public propertyDataBindings
Gets a collection of KaxMenuItemBinding objects that define the relationship between a data item and the menu item it is binding to.
Public propertyDefaultGroupSettings
Specifies the default settings for child item behavior.
Public propertyEnableAutoScroll
Gets or sets a value indicating if an automatic scroll is applied if the groups are larger then the screen height.
Public propertyEnableOverlay
Gets or sets a value indicating if an overlay should be rendered (only in Internet Explorer).
Public propertyEnableRootItemScroll
Gets or sets a value indicating if scroll is enabled for the root items. Width must be set for horizontal root group, Height for vertical one.
Public propertyEnableRoundedCorners
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child items should have rounded corners.
Public propertyEnableScreenBoundaryDetection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the screen boundary detection will be applied when menu items are expanded.
Public propertyEnableSelection
Gets or sets a value indicating if the currently selected item will be tracked and highlighted.
Public propertyEnableShadows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child items should have shadows.
Public propertyCode exampleExpandAnimation
Gets the settings for the animation played when an item opens.
Public propertyCode exampleExpandDelay
Gets or sets a value indicating the timeout after which a menu item starts to open.
Public propertyCode exampleFlow
Gets or sets a value indicating the way top level items will flow.
Public propertyCode exampleItems
Gets a KaxMenuItemCollection object that contains the root items of the current KaxMenu control.
Public propertyCode exampleItemTemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying the items in KaxMenu.
Public propertyCode exampleLoadingStatusTemplate
Gets or sets the template displayed when child items are being loaded.
Public propertyMaxDataBindDepth
Gets or sets the maximum number of levels to bind to the KaxMenu control.
(Overrides HierarchicalControlItemContainerMaxDataBindDepth.)
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemBlur
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after an item loses focus.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemClicked
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after a menu item is clicked.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemClicking
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item is clicked.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemClosed
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items closes.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemClosing
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items is closing.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemFocus
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item gets focus.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemOpened
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items opens.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemOpening
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items begin to open.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemPopulated
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item children were just populated (for example from web service).
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemPopulating
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item children are about to be populated (for example from web service).
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientItemPopulationFailed
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the operation for populating the children of a menu item has failed.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientLoad
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after the KaxMenu client-side object is initialized.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientMouseOut
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse moves out of a menu item in the KaxMenu control.
Public propertyCode exampleOnClientMouseOver
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse moves over a menu item in the KaxMenu control.
Public propertyPersistLoadOnDemandItems
When set to true, the items populated through Load On Demand are persisted on the server.
Public propertyPostBackUrl
Gets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page when a menu item is clicked.
(Overrides ControlItemContainerPostBackUrl.)
Public propertySelectedItem
Gets a KaxMenuItem object that represents the selected item in the KaxMenu control.
Public propertySelectedValue
Gets the Value of the selected item.
Public propertyWebServiceSettings
Gets the settings for the web service used to populate items ExpandMode set to MenuItemExpandMode.WebService.
Public eventItemClick
Occurs on the server when a menu item in the KaxMenu control is clicked.
Public eventCode exampleItemCreated
Occurs on the server when an item in the KaxMenu control is created.
Public eventCode exampleItemDataBound
Occurs after a menu item is data bound.
Public eventCode exampleTemplateNeeded
Occurs before template is being applied to the menu item.

The KaxMenu control is used to display a list of menu items in a Web Forms page. The KaxMenu control supports the following features:

  • Databinding that allows the control to be populated from various datasources.
  • Programmatic access to the KaxMenu object model which allows dynamic creation of menus, populating with items and customizing the behavior by various properties.
  • Customizable appearance through built-in or user-defined skins.


The KaxMenu control is made up of tree of items represented by KaxMenuItem objects. Items at the top level (level 0) are called root items. An item that has a parent item is called a child item. All root items are stored in the Items property of the KaxMenu control. Child items are stored in the Items property of their parent KaxMenuItem.

Each menu item has a Text and a Value property. The value of the Text property is displayed in the KaxMenu control, while the Value property is used to store any additional data about the item, such as data passed to the postback event associated with the item. When clicked, an item can navigate to another Web page indicated by the NavigateUrl property.

See Also