Click or drag to resize
KaxDock Class
KaxDock is a control, which enables the developers to move, dock, expand/collapse any DHTML/ASP.NET content
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxDock : KaxWebControl, INamingContainer, 

The KaxDock type exposes the following members.

Public methodKaxDock
Public methodApplyState
Applies the data from the supplied DockState object.
Public methodDock(String)
Docks the KaxDock control in the zone with ClientID equal to dockZoneID.
Public methodDock(KaxDockZone)
Docks the KaxDock control in the specified KaxDockZone.
Public methodGetState
Returns a DockState object, containing data about the current state of the KaxDock control.
Public methodGetUniqueName
Returns the unique name for the dock, based on the UniqueName and the ID properties.
Public methodUndock
Removes the KaxDock control from its parent KaxDockZone.
Public propertyAllowedZones
Specifies the UniqueNames of the KaxDockZone controls, where the KaxDock control will be allowed to dock.
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will initiate postback when it is docked/undocked or its position changes.
Public propertyClosed
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control is closed (style="display:none;").
Public propertyCloseText
Gets or sets the tooltip of the CloseCommand when the corresponding property was not explicitly set on the command object.
Public propertyCollapsed
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control is collapsed.
Public propertyCollapseText
Gets or sets the tooltip of the ExpandCollapseCommand when the dock is not collapsed and the corresponding property was not explicitly set on the command object.
Public propertyCommands
Gets a collection of DockCommand objects representing the individual commands within the control titlebar.
Public propertyCommandsAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will initiate postback when its command items are clicked.
Public propertyContentContainer
Gets the control, where the ContentTemplate will be instantiated in.
Public propertyContentTemplate
Gets or sets the System.Web.UI.ITemplate that contains the controls which will be placed in the control content area.
Public propertyDefaultCommands
Gets or sets the value, defining the commands which will appear in the KaxDock titlebar when the commands collection is not modified.
Public propertyDockHandle
Gets or sets the value, defining the behavior of the control titlebar and grips.
Public propertyDockMode
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control could be left undocked.
Public propertyDockZoneID
Gets the ClientID of the KaxDockZone, where the control is docked. When the control is undocked, this property returns string.Empty.
Public propertyEnableAnimation
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will have animation.
Public propertyEnableDrag
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control could be dragged.
Public propertyEnableRoundedCorners
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will be with rounded corners.
Public propertyExpandedHeight
Gets or sets the expanded height of the KaxDock control
Public propertyExpandText
Gets or sets the tooltip of the ExpandCollapseCommand when the dock is collapsed and the corresponding property was not explicitly set on the command object.
Public propertyForbiddenZones
Specifies the UniqueNames of the KaxDockZone controls, where the KaxDock control will NOT be allowed to dock.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the KaxDock control
(Overrides KaxWebControl.Height.)
Public propertyIndex
Gets the position of the KaxDock control in its parent zone. If undocked returns -1.
Public propertyLeft
Gets or sets the horizontal position of the KaxDock control in pixels. This property is ignored when the KaxDock control is docked into a KaxDockZone.
Public propertyOnClientCommand
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock Command event is raised
Public propertyOnClientDockPositionChanged
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when the KaxDock control changes its position
Public propertyOnClientDockPositionChanging
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when the KaxDock control is dropped on to a zone before it changes its position
Public propertyOnClientDrag
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock Drag event is raised
Public propertyOnClientDragEnd
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock DragEnd event is raised
Public propertyOnClientDragStart
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock DragStart event is raised
Public propertyOnClientInitialize
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes after the KaxDock client-side obect initializes
Public propertyOnClientResizeEnd
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock ResizeEnd event is raised
Public propertyOnClientResizeStart
Gets or sets the client-side script that executes when a KaxDock ResizeStart event is raised
Public propertyPinned
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control is pinned.
Public propertyPinText
Gets or sets the tooltip of the PinUnpinCommand when the dock is not pinned and the corresponding property was not explicitly set on the command object.
Public propertyResizable
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control is resizable.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the additional data, which could be saved in the DockState.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text which will appear in the control content area. If the ContentTemplate or the ContentContainer contain any controls, the value of this property is ignored.
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the text which will appear in the control titlebar area. If the TitlebarTemplate or the TitlebarContainer contain any controls, the value of this property is ignored.
Public propertyTitlebarContainer
Gets the control, where the TitlebarTemplate will be instantiated in.
Public propertyTitlebarTemplate
Gets or sets the System.Web.UI.ITemplate that contains the controls which will be placed in the control titlebar.
Public propertyTop
Gets or sets the vertical position of the KaxDock control in pixels. This property is ignored when the KaxDock control is docked into a KaxDockZone.
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the control, which allows the parent KaxDockLayout to automatically manage its position. If this property is not set, the control ID will be used instead. KaxDockLayout will throw an exception if it finds two KaxDock controls with the same UniqueName.
Public propertyUnpinText
Gets or sets the tooltip of the PinUnpinCommand when the dock is pinned and the corresponding property was not explicitly set on the command object.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the KaxDock control
(Overrides KaxWebControl.Width.)
Public eventCommand
Occurs when a command is clicked.
Public eventDockPositionChanged
Occurs when the control is docked in another KaxDockZone, or its in its current zone position was changed.
See Also