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GridPagerMode Enumeration
The mode of the pager defines what buttons will be displayed and how the pager will navigate through the pages.

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public enum GridPagerMode
  Member nameValueDescription
NextPrev0The grid Pager will display only the Previous and Next link buttons.
NumericPages1The grid Pager will display only the page numbers as link buttons.
NextPrevAndNumeric2 The grid Pager will display the Previous button, page numbers, the Next button, the PageSize dropdown and information about the items and pages count.
NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced3 The grid Pager will display the Previous button, then the page numbers and then the Next button. On the next Pager row, the Pager will display text boxes for navigating to a specific page and setting the Page size (number of items per page).
Advanced4 The grid Pager will display text boxes for navigating to a specific page and setting the Page size (number of items per page).
TrackBar5 The grid Pager will display a trackbar for very fast and AJAX-based navigation through grid pages.
See Also