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KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection Class
A collection of KaxListViewSortExpression objects. Depending on the value of AllowMultiFieldSorting it holds single or multiple sort expressions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public class KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection : IList, 
	ICollection, IEnumerable, IStateManager

The KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds a KaxListViewSortExpression to the collection.
Public methodAddAt
Adds a KaxListViewSortExpression to the collection at the specified index.
Public methodAddSortExpression(String)
If AllowMultiFieldSorting is true adds the sortExpression in the collection. Else any other expression previously stored in the collection wioll be removed
Public methodAddSortExpression(KaxListViewSortExpression)
If AllowMultiFieldSorting is true adds the sortExpression in the collection. Else any other expression previously stored in the collection wioll be removed
Public methodChangeSortOrder
Adds the sort field (expression parameter) if the collection does not alreqady contain the field. Else the sort order of the field will be inverted. The default change order is Asc -> Desc -> No Sort. The No-Sort state can be controlled using AllowNaturalSort property
Public methodClear
Clears the KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection of all items.
Public methodContainsExpression
Returns true or false depending on whether the specified sorting expression exists in the collection. Takes a string parameter.
Public methodContainsSortExpression
Returns true or false depending on whether the specified sorting expression exists in the collection. Takes a KaxListViewSortExpression parameter.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection.
Public methodGetExpression
Find a SortExpression in the collection if it contains any with sort field = expression
Public methodGetSortString
Get a comma separated list of sort fields and sort-order, in the same format used by DataView.Sort string expression. Returns null (Nothing) if there are no sort expressions in the collection
Public methodIndexOf
Searches for the specified KaxListViewSortExpression and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection.
Public methodRemoveSortExpression
Removes the specified KaxListViewSortExpression from the collection.
Public propertyAllowMultiFieldSorting
If false, the collection can contain only one sort expression at a time. Trying to add a new one in this case will delete the existing expression or will change the sort order if its FiledName is the same.
Public propertyAllowNaturalSort
Allow the no-sort state when changing sort order.
Public propertyCount
Returns the number of items in the KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the KaxListViewSortExpressionCollection is synchronized (thread safe).
Public propertyItem
This is the default indexer of the collection - takes an integer value.
Public propertySyncRoot
See Also