Click or drag to resize
GridItem Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public abstract class GridItem : GridTableRow, 

The GridItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodGridItem
Public methodExpandHierarchyToTop
Public methodFireCommandEvent
Use this method to simulate item command event that bubbles to KaxGrid and can be handeled automatically or in a custom manner, handling KaxGrid.ItemCommand event.
Public propertyCanExpand
Gets a value indicating whether the item can be "expanded" to show its child items
Public propertyDataItem
The original DataItem from the DataSource. See examples section below.
Public propertyDataSetIndex
Gets the index of the GridDataItem in the underlying DataTable/specified table from a DataSet.
Public propertyDisplay
Sets whether the GridItem will be visible or with style="display:none;"
Public propertyEdit
Sets the Item in edit mode. Requires Kettic KaxGrid to rebind.
Public propertyExpanded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid item is expanded or collapsed.
Public propertyGroupIndex
Gets the index of the Item in the group. This works only when grouping.
Public propertyHasChildItems
Gets a value indicating whether this item has child items.
Public propertyIsDataBound
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is bound to a data source.
Public propertyIsInEditMode
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is in edit mode at the moment.
Public propertyItemIndex
Gets the index of the grid item among the Items collection. This index also can be used to get the DataKeyValues corresponding to this item from a GridTableView.
Public propertyItemIndexHierarchical
Get the unique item index among all the item in the hierarchy. This index is used when setting item to selected, edited, etc
Public propertyItemType
Gets the respective GridItemType of the grid item.
Public propertyOwnerGridID
Gets GridItem ClientID of current KaxGrid.
Public propertyOwnerID
Gets GridItem ClientID of current GridTableView.
Public propertyOwnerTableView
Gets current GridItem owner of GridTableView.
Public propertySelected
Gets or set a value indicating whether the grid item is selected
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy