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TagCloudSorting Enumeration
Specifies the possible values for the Sorting property of the KaxTagCloud control.

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public enum TagCloudSorting
  Member nameValueDescription
NotSorted0 The TagCloud items are left as they appear in the Items collection (DataSource).
AlphabeticAsc1 The TagCloud items are sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
AlphabeticDsc2 The TagCloud items are sorted alphabetically in descending order.
WeightedAsc3 The TagCloud items are sorted based on their Weight in ascending order.
WeightedDsc4 The TagCloud items are sorted based on their Weight in descending order.
See Also