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ApocDriver Methods

The ApocDriver type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member Make
Constructs a new ApocDriver and registers the newly created driver as the active driver.
Public method Render(Stream, Stream)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the input stream, converting it to a format dictated by the render and writing it to the supplied output stream.
Public method Render(TextReader, Stream)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the input reader, converting it to a format dictated by the renderer and writing it to the supplied output stream.
Public method Render(String, Stream)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the file inputFile, converting it to a format dictated by the renderer and writing it to the supplied output stream.
Public method Render(String, String)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the file inputFile, converting it to a format dictated by the renderer and writing it to the file identified by outputFile.
Public method Render(XmlDocument, Stream)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the supplied XmlDocument, converting it to a format dictated by the renderer and writing it to the supplied output stream.
Public method Render(XmlReader, Stream)
Executes the conversion reading the source tree from the input reader, converting it to a format dictated by the render and writing it to the supplied output stream.
See Also