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KaxUploadAllowedMimeTypes Property
Gets or sets the allowed MIME types for uploading.

Namespace: Kettic.AspNet.Controls
Assembly: Kettic.AspNet.Controls (in Kettic.AspNet.Controls.dll) Version: 2014.4.1129.0 (2014.04.1129.0)
public string[] AllowedMimeTypes { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String
The default value is empty string array. In order to check for multiple mime types you should set an array of strings containing the allowed MIME types for uploading.

Set this property to string.Empty in order to prevent the mime type checking.

This example demostrates how to set multiple allowed MIME types to a KaxUpload control.
// For example you can get these from your web.config file
string commaSeparatedMimeTypes = "application/octet-stream,application/msword,video/mpeg";

string[] allowedMimeTypes = commaSeparatedMimeTypes.Split(',');
KaxUpload1.AllowedMimeTypes = allowedMimeTypes;
See Also