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GridEditFormSettings Properties

The GridEditFormSettings type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property CaptionDataField
Data field to incude in form's caption
Public property CaptionFormatString
Caption format string - {0} parameter must be included and would be repaced with DataField value
Public property ColumnNumber
Number of vertical columns to split all edit fields on the form when it is autogenerated. Each GridColumn has a EditFormColumnIndex to choose the column where the editor would appear.
Public property EditColumn
Set properties of the update-cancel buttons column that appears in an edit form
Public property EditFormType
Specifies the type of the edit form. See GridEditFormType about details for the possible values and their meanings.
Public property FormCaptionStyle
Style of the table row that shows the caption of the form
Public property FormMainTableStyle
Style of the forms' main table element
Public property FormStyle
Style of the forms's area (rendered as a DIV elemet)
Public property FormTableAlternatingItemStyle
Style of the alternating rows in the edit-form's table
Public property FormTableButtonRowStyle
Style of the footer row of the table, where the update-cancel buttons appear
Public property FormTableItemStyle
Style of the normal rows in the edit-form's table
Public property FormTableStyle
Style of the forms' table element
Public property FormTemplate
EditForm template - if EditFormType if EditFormType is of type Template.
Public property InsertCaption
Caption for the pop-up insert form
Public property PopUpSettings
Gets a reference to GridPopUpSettings class providing properties related to PopUp EditForm.
Public property UserControlName
Name (filename) of the UserControl if EditFormType is of type WebUserControl.
See Also