Click or drag to resize
IKaxToolBarButton Properties

The IKaxToolBarButton type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property CausesValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking the button causes page validation to occur.
Public property Code example ClickedCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the toolbar item is clicked.
Public property ClickedImageUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item when the user clicks it.
Public property CommandArgument
Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event of the KaxToolBar instance along with the associated CommandName
Public property CommandName
Gets or sets the command name associated with the toolbar item that is passed to the ItemCommand event of the KaxToolBar instance.
Public property DisabledCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the toolbar item is disabled.
Public property DisabledImageUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display when the item is disabled.
Public property FocusedCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the toolBar item is focused after tabbing to it, or by using its AccessKey
Public property FocusedImageUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display when the user focuses the item either by tabbing to it or by using the AccessKey
Public property HoveredCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the user moves the mouse over the toolbar item.
Public property Code example HoveredImageUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display when the user moves the mouse over the item.
Public property ImagePosition
Gets or sets the position of the item image according to the item text.
Public property ImageUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item.
Public property ItemTemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying the item.
Public property NavigateUrl
Gets or sets the URL to link to when the item is clicked.
Public property PostBack
Gets or sets a value, indicating if the item will perform a postback.
Public property PostBackUrl
Gets or sets the URL of the Web page to post to from the current page when the button control is clicked.
Public property Target
Gets or sets the target window or frame to display the Web page content linked to when the toolbar item is clicked.
Public property Text
Gets or sets the text displayed for the current item.
Public property ToolBar
Gets the KaxToolBar instance which contains the item.
Public property ValidationGroup
Gets or sets the name for the group of controls for which the button control causes validation when it posts back to the server.
Public property Value
Gets or sets the value associated with the toolbar item.
See Also