Click or drag to resize
KaxInputControl Properties

The KaxInputControl type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AccessKey (Overrides KaxWebControl.AccessKey.)
Public property Code example AutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an automatic post back to the server occurs whenever the user presses the ENTER or the TAB key while in the KaxInput control.
Public property BackColor (Overrides KaxWebControl.BackColor.)
Public property BorderColor (Overrides KaxWebControl.BorderColor.)
Public property BorderStyle (Overrides KaxWebControl.BorderStyle.)
Public property BorderWidth (Overrides KaxWebControl.BorderWidth.)
Public property ButtonContainer
Gets control that contains the buttons of KaxInput control
Public property ButtonCssClass
Public property ButtonsPosition
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the button should be positioned left or right of the KaxInput box.
Public property CausesValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when the KaxInput control is set to validate when a postback occurs.
Public property ClientEvents
Gets or sets an instance of the Kettic.AspNetControls.InputClientEvents class which defines the JavaScript functions (client-side event handlers) that are invoked when specific client-side events are raised.
Public property CssClass (Overrides KaxWebControl.CssClass.)
Public property Code example DisabledStyle
Gets the style properties for disabled KaxInput control.
Public property Code example EmptyMessage
Gets or sets a value message shown when the control is empty.
Public property Code example EmptyMessageStyle

Gets the style properties for KaxInput when when the control is empty.

Public property EnableAjaxSkinRendering (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableAjaxSkinRendering.)
Public property Enabled (Overrides KaxWebControl.Enabled.)
Public property Code example EnabledStyle
Gets the style properties for enabled KaxInput control.
Public property EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet.)
Public property EnableEmbeddedScripts (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedScripts.)
Public property EnableEmbeddedSkins (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableEmbeddedSkins.)
Public property EnableOldBoxModel
Public property EnableTheming (Overrides KaxWebControl.EnableTheming.)
Public property EnableViewState (Overrides ControlEnableViewState.)
Public property Code example FocusedStyle
Gets the style properties for focused KaxInput control.
Public property Height (Overrides KaxWebControl.Height.)
Public property Code example HoveredStyle
Gets the style properties for hovered KaxInput control.
Public property Code example InvalidStyle
Gets the style properties for invalid state of KaxInput control.
Public property InvalidStyleDuration
The InvalidStyleDuration property is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the control will display its invalid style when incorrect data is entered.
Public property Code example Label
Gets or sets the text of the tag rendered along with KaxInput control.
Public property LabelCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the tag rendered along with KaxInput control.
Public property Code example MaxLength
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the text box.
Public property Code example ReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the KaxInput control can be changed.
Public property ReadOnlyStyle
Public property Code example SelectionOnFocus
Gets or sets the selection on focus options for the KaxInput control
Public property ShouldResetWidthInPixels
Public property Code example ShowButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the button is displayed in the KaxInput control.
Public property Skin (Overrides KaxWebControl.Skin.)
Public property SkinID (Overrides KaxWebControl.SkinID.)
Public property TabIndex (Overrides KaxWebControl.TabIndex.)
Public property Code example Text
Gets or sets the text content of the KaxInput control.
Public property ToolTip (Overrides KaxWebControl.ToolTip.)
Public property ValidationGroup
Gets or sets the group of controls for which the ra.a.d.input control causes validation when it posts back to the server.
Public property Visible (Overrides KaxWebControl.Visible.)
Public property Width (Overrides KaxWebControl.Width.)
See Also