Click or drag to resize
KaxSlidingPane Properties

The KaxSlidingPane type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property CollapseText
Gets or sets the text for collapse image
Public property DockOnOpen
Sets/gets whether the sliding pane will automatically dock on open
Public property DockText
Gets or sets the text for dock image
Public property EnableDock
Sets/gets whether the pane can be docked
Public property EnableResize
Sets/gets whether the resize bar will be active
Public property Height
Sets/gets the height of the sliding pane
(Overrides KaxWebControl.Height.)
Public property IconUrl
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item.
Public property MinHeight
Sets/gets the min height to which the pane can be resized
(Overrides SplitterPaneBaseMinHeight.)
Public property MinWidth
Sets/gets the min width to which the pane can be resized
(Overrides SplitterPaneBaseMinWidth.)
Public property OnClientBeforeDock Obsolete.
Public property OnClientBeforeUndock Obsolete.
Public property Code example OnClientDocked
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the KaxSlidingPane is docked.
Public property Code example OnClientDocking
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before the KaxSlidingPane is docked.
Public property Code example OnClientUndocked
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the KaxSlidingPane is undocked.
Public property Code example OnClientUndocking
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before the KaxSlidingPane is undocked.
Public property Overlay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sliding pane will create an overlay element.
Public property ResizeText
Gets or sets the text for resize bar
Public property SlidingZone
Reference to the parent SlidingZone object
Public property TabView
Sets/gets way the tab of the pane is rendered
Public property Title
The title that will be displayed when the pane is docked/docked
Public property UndockText
Gets or sets the text for undock image
Public property Width
Sets/gets the width of the sliding pane
(Overrides KaxWebControl.Width.)
See Also