Click or drag to resize
KaxTrackBar Properties

The KaxTrackBar type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AnimationDuration
Get/Set the length of the animation
Public property AutoPostBack
True to cause a postback on value change.
Public property DecreaseText
Gets or sets the text for the decrease handle
Public property DragText
Gets or sets the text for the increase handle
Public property EnableServerSideRendering
Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the HTML of the control will be output from the server or created with client-side code.
Public property Height
Get/Set the Height of the trackbar including the decrease and increase handles.
(Overrides KaxDataBoundControl.Height.)
Public property IncreaseText
Gets or sets the text for the increase handle
Public property IsDirectionReversed
Get/Set the IsDirectionReversed of the trackbar
Public property IsSelectionRangeEnabled
Get/Set the IsSelectionRangeEnabled of the trackbar
Public property Items
Gets a KaxTrackBarItemCollection object that contains the items of the current KaxTrackBar control.
Public property ItemType
Get/Set the ItemType of the trackbar items
Public property LargeChange
Get/Set the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track
Public property Length Obsolete.
Get/Set the length of the trackbar including the decrease and increase handles.
Public property LiveDrag
Get/Set the LiveDrag of the trackbar
Public property MaximumValue
Get/Set the max value of the trackbar
Public property MinimumValue
Get/Set the min value of the trackbar
Public property OnClientBeforeValueChange Obsolete.
Public property Code example OnClientItemsCreated
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the items of the KaxTrackBar control are created.
Public property Code example OnClientLoad
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the KaxTrackBar control is initialized.
Public property OnClientLoaded Obsolete.
Public property Code example OnClientSlide
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called while the handle is being slided.
Public property Code example OnClientSlideEnd
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when slide has ended.
Public property Code example OnClientSlideStart
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before the sliding is started.
Public property OnClientValueChange Obsolete.
Public property Code example OnClientValueChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the value of the trackbar has been changed.
Public property Code example OnClientValueChanging
Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called just before the value of the trackbar changes.
Public property Orientation
Get/Set orientation of the trackbar
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets the Value of the selected item in case ItemType of the KaxTrackBar control equals TrackBarItemType.Item.
Public property SelectedItem
Gets a KaxTrackBarItem object that represents the selected item in the KaxTrackBar control in case ItemType of the control equals TrackBarItemType.Item.
Public property SelectedItems
Gets a collection of KaxTrackBarItem objects that represent the items in the KaxTrackBar control that are currently selected in case ItemType of the control equals TrackBarItemType.Item.
Public property SelectedValue
Gets the Value of the selected item in case ItemType of the KaxTrackBar control equals TrackBarItemType.Item.
Public property SelectionEnd
Get/Set the SelectionEnd of the trackbar
Public property SelectionStart
Get/Set the SelectionStart of the trackbar
Public property ShowDecreaseHandle
Show/Hide the decrease handle
Public property ShowDragHandle
Show/Hide the drag handle
Public property ShowIncreaseHandle
Show/Hide the increase handle
Public property SmallChange
Get/Set the step with which the trackbar value will change
Public property ThumbsInteractionMode
Get/Set the InteractionMode of the trackbar thumbs
Public property TrackMouseWheel
Enable/Disable whether the mouse wheel should be handled
Public property TrackPosition
Get/Set the TrackPosition of the trackbar track
Public property Value
Get/Set the value of the trackbar
Public property ValueToolTipPosition
Get/Set the ValueToolTipPosition of the trackbar track
Public property Width
Get/Set the Width of the trackbar including the decrease and increase handles.
(Overrides KaxDataBoundControl.Width.)
See Also