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Button Server Side Event in ASP.NET
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The PerButton control of our ASP.NET AJAX allows users to create fully customized button types at the server side application. And one button type can be controlled by several specific properties and events. One thing that needs to be specifically noted here is that some button properties and events are applicable to most button types.
In this article, we will offer some basic descriptions to the properties supported by our PerButton component.

Button Commom Event(Feature)

  1. HoveredCssClass: make the CSS class applied to the PerButton when the mouser is over the button.
  2. PressedCssClass: make the CSS class applied to the PerButton when the button is pressed.
  3. OnClientLoad: this event will be called when the button is loaded on the web page.
  4. OnClientClicking: this event will be called when the button is about to be clicked.
  5. OnClientClicked: raised when the button is clicked.
  6. OnClientMouseOver: called when the mouse pointer is over the button.
  7. OnClientMouseOut : called when the mouse pointer leaves the button.
  8. OnClientCheckedChanged: triggered when the checked property of the button is changed.
  9. Click: called when the button is clicked. (AutoPostBack=true).
  10. Command: call this event when the PerButton has Command stated.
  11. CheckedChanged: raised when the Checked property of the PerButton, with ButtonType:ToggleButton, is changed.
  12. ToggleStateChanged: raised when the State property of the PerButton, with ButtonType:ToggleButton, is changed.

Icon Button Event(Feature)

  1. PrimaryHoveredIconUr: l let the image stored in defined path to be used as primary icon when the button is pressed.
  2. PrimaryPressedIconUrl: let the image stored in defined path to be used as primary icon when the mouse hovers over the button.
  3. SecondaryHoveredIconUrl: let the image stored in defined path to be used as secondary icon when the mouse hovers over the button.
  4. SecondaryPressedIconUrl: let the image stored in defined path to be used as secondary icon when the button is pressed.

Image Button Event(Feature)

  1. HoveredImageUrl: let the image stored in defined path to be displayed on the button when the mouse is over the button.
  2. PressedImageUrl: let the image stored in defined path to be displayed on the button when the button is pressed.

Toggle Button Event(Feature)

  1. OnClientToggleStateChanging: raised when the toggle state of the RadButton is to change. And this event call can be canceled.
  2. OnClientToggleStateChanged: this event is subsequent to OnClientToggleStateChanging event. And it is called when the toggle state of the PerButton is changed.