Click or drag to resize
KaxTab Properties

The KaxTab type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Code example ChildGroupCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied to the HTML element containing the child tabs.
Public property Code example DataItem
Gets the data item that is bound to the tab
(Overrides ControlItemDataItem.)
Public property DisabledCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is disabled.
Public property DisabledImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the tab is disabled (its Enabled property is set to false).
Public property HoveredCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is hovered with the mouse.
Public property HoveredImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the user hovers the current tab with the mouse.
(Overrides NavigationItemHoveredImageUrl.)
Public property Code example ImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed next to the text of a tab.
(Overrides NavigationItemImageUrl.)
Public property IsBreak
Gets or sets a value indicating whether next tab will be displayed on a new line.
Public property IsSeparator
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tab will behave as separator.
Public property KaxTabScrolling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tabcontrol should scroll directly to the next tab.
Public property Level
Gets the level of the current tab.
Public property NavigateUrl
Gets or sets the URL to navigate to when the current tab is clicked.
(Overrides NavigationItemNavigateUrl.)
Public property OuterCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied on the outmost tab element (<LI>).
Public property Code example Owner
Gets the IKaxTabContainer instance which contains the current tab.
Public property PageView
Gets the KaxPageView activated when the tab is selected.
Public property PageViewID
Gets or sets the ID of the KaxPageView in a KaxMultiPage that will be switched when the tab is selected.
Public property PostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking on the tab will postback.
Public property ScrollButtonsPosition
The position of the scroll buttons with regards to the tab band.
Public property ScrollChildren
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the children of the tab will be scrollable.
Public property ScrollPosition
Gets or sets the position of the scrollable band of tabs relative to the beginning of the scrolling area.
Public property Selected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tab is selected.
Public property SelectedCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is selected.
Public property SelectedImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the tab is selected.
Public property Code example SelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected child tab.
Public property SelectedTab
Gets the selected child tab.
Public property TabControl
Gets the KaxTabControl instance which contains the current tab.
Public property Code example Tabs
Gets a KaxTabCollection object that contains the child tabs of the current tab.
Public property Code example TabTemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying the tab.
Public property Code example Target
Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content associated with the current tab.
(Overrides NavigationItemTarget.)
Public property Text
Gets or sets the text displayed for the current tab.
(Overrides ControlItemText.)
Public property Value
Gets or sets custom (user-defined) data associated with the current tab.
(Overrides ControlItemValue.)
See Also