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FileManager Feature Edit Setting in ASP.NET
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In this tutorial, we will provide you with some detailed introduction for the settings of this file manger control, and will mainly focus on the uploading settings, file presentation style, and some other functions which you might find helpful for your file management.

Uploading Settings

From the demo screenshot above, you can easily see the basic settings for this uploading interface. Please take a look at the list below and get to know each of them.
  • When you click Upload button, a dialog pops up as demonstrated above;
  • You can click Select to browse and add your files for uploading;
  • If you have selected the wrong file, you can simply click Remove button to get rid of it;
  • We provide three choices by default, and you can add more with the Add button;
  • If you do not wish to add files that already exist, you can set true to Overwrite if file exist by clicking it;
  • Multiple files can be uploaded synchronously, or you can set the control for AsynUpload;
  • You can also define the maximum file size allowed and file extensions allowed.
Here is a corresponding demo with C# codes:
FileExplorer1.Configuration.SearchPatterns = new string[] { "*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.gif", "*.png" };
FileExplorer1.Configuration.EnableAsyncUpload = true;

File Presentation

Right now we provide two options for users to view the files. If you click GridView button, the files will be presented as list, as demonstrated in the demo screenshot below:
On the other hand, if you click the Thumbnail button, all the files will be presented as thumbnails, just like this:

More Settings

Besides the functions introduced above, Kettic File Manager also provide some other functions to help you with the explorer setting, and they are listed as below:
  • EnableOpenFile: This property can be used to enable open file on new window with your web brower;
  • EnableCopy: This function can be called to copy your local file or folder to somewhere else;
  • EnableCreatNewFolder: When this property is set to true, you can allow users to create new folders right away.
Here’s how it looks when all of the three properties above are set to true:
And this is how it would look like when all the three functions are set to false:
From the sample screenshot we can see clearly that the three properties are also supported by mouse right click.