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HtmlEditor Feature Comments in ASP.NET
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Information to Html Editor Comment Feature

The PerHtmlEditor Control, like other modern text editing application, allows users to provide additional information for the document content via adding and modifying the comments. The comment feature of the PerHtmlEditor Control is provided for developers to add, edit or remove comments in or from the editor content area.
And in order t help users better manage the comments in the html editor, we offer three comment feature related tools, which are Add Comment, Remove Comment and Remove All Comments. Here we just briefly illustrate the functions of these three comment related tools.
  • Add Comment: you can use this tool to add comment to the text that you just select and highlight. And by default, after you select the text and click this tool, there will pop up a dialog where you can write your comment information. Then you can save the comment via the save button in the dialog. The text which you add comment to will be displayed with a red colored border in the content area. The comment adding dialog will pop up once you click the text that you just add comment to.
  • Remove Comment: if you just want to remove one existing comment from the content area, you can use this tool.
  • Remove All Comments: if you want to delete all the existing comments from the html editor with one click, try to use this tool.
Following programming example is used to show how to add above mentioned three commenting related tools to the toolbar of the html editor in aspx web page.
<kettic:EditorTool Name="AddComment"></kettic:EditorTool>
<kettic:EditorTool Name="RemoveComment"></kettic:EditorTool>
<kettic:EditorTool Name="RemoveAllComments"></kettic:EditorTool>


Configuration of the Html Editor Comment Feature

To be first, please set the EnableComments property to true if you want to activate the comment feature of the PerHtmlEditor Control. If you want to specify some further information, you can use the Author property of the TrackChangesSetting inner-configuration-tag. Besides, you can also use the UserCssId property to change the displaying style of existing comments.
<kettic:PerHtmlEditor ID="theEditor" runat="server" 
Width="600" Height="400" EnableComments="true">
<TrackChangesSettings Author="PerEditorUser" UserCssId="reU1"></TrackChangesSettings>


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