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How to Put up Toolbars of HtmlEditor Using C#
Home > How to > HtmlEditor Toolbars Introduction
Toolbars of HtmlEditor Control refer to the bars where many buttons and drop-down lists of various tools are located. With these Toolbars, users can have a better interaction with the HtmlEditor. For example, you can copy selected text from the HtmlEditor with an easy click on the Copy button that is displayed on the toolbar of the HtmlEditor.
Beside, in order to ensure that users can have a better experience with the html editor, developers may need to populate the tools that have similar or at least related functions into one group. And the grouping work for these buttons and drop-down lists can be easily achieved using the EditorToolGroup property. Remarkably, the PerHtmlEditor Control also enables users to separate the buttons & drop-down lists within one group using EditorSeparator property.
And within one html editor, the number of toolbars is not limited. And within one toolbar, the number of editor tool groups is also not fixed. In this section, we will tell developers how to customize the settings of html editor toolbar using C# .NET programming code.

C# Code for Setting Toolbar of HtmlEditor Control

Following is an easy example for how to set up toolbar of HtmlEditor Control using C# code.
EditorToolGroup group1 = new EditorToolGroup();
EditorTool cut = new EditorTool();
cut.Name = "Cut";
EditorTool copy = new EditorTool();
copy.Name = "Copy";

Configure Toolbar by Loading Information from XML File

Apart from above method to set toolbar using C# code programmatically, the PerHtmlEditor Control also enable users to create toolbar from the information that is loaded from xml file. Following example is listed to illustrate how to set up toolbar of html editor with the values that are contained in target xml file.

XML File


<tools name="MainToolbar" dockable="true" enabled="true">
<tool name="FindAndReplace" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Undo" />
<tool name="Redo" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Cut" />
<tool name="Copy" />
<tool name="Paste" shortcut="CTRL+!"/>

<tools name="Formatting" enabled="true" dockable="true">
<tool name="Bold" />
<tool name="Italic" />
<tool name="Underline" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ForeColor" />
<tool name="BackColor"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FontName"/>
<tool name="RealFontSize"/>

<item name="CustomStyles.css" />


C# Code

PerHtmlEditor1.ToolsFile = "BasicTools.xml";