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Calendar Feature Managing Dates in ASP.NET
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Do you want to get a clear visualization on some special dates on your calendar object at the moment you look at the web calendar? If yes, Kettic Calendar Feature Library can help you by using the asp.net calendar dates management control of PerCalendar property.
The Dates Management component of the Kettic Calendar properties within ASP.NET AJAX appliction includes following four major properties that can be used to specify and set special dates that affect the layout and behavior of the calendar:
  • The FirstDayOfWeek property is used to specify the day to set as the first day of each week. Users are able to specify the FristDayOfWeek to a specific week day name, such as "Monday" or "Friday". If you don’t set, PerCalendar will set it to "Default" and if in which satiation, the value of the CultureInfo property will determine the first day of the week.
  • The FocusedDate property is developed to define the date that has focus. Generally speaking, in default case, Calendar uses the current date as the focused date. When the calendar is in multi-view mode, it can show more than one month, the focused date will appear by default in the first month that the calendar shows.
  • The SelectedDate property is used to set the currently selected date when the calendar allows single-date selection. When the calendar allows multiple days to be selected, the SelectedDates property specifies the initially selected dates.
  • The RangeMinDate property is used to define the earliest valid date in the range available for selection. To the opposite, the RangeMaxDate property sets the latest valid date in the range available for selection

Sample Codes and Demo Image for Managing Dates Feature

We give following demo ASPX codes for guiding users to program your own web calendar with a specified managing dates feature within web ASP.NET application.

<kettic:PerCalendar ID="PerCalendar1" runat="server"
TitleFormat="MMM yyyy" CultureInfo="en-US"
FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" FocusedDate="2014-01-01" SelectedDate="2014-01-05">
Also, following appending screenshot is created by using above ASP.NET codes by using Kettic html Calendar Feature Library.

asp.net feature-managing dates.jpg

More Calendar Feature Tutorials in ASP.NET

Besides calendar managing dates feature setting, Kettic Calendar Feature Components for ASP.NET AJAX still allow users to customize and define other supportable calendar features: day matrix, multi-view and date selection. Please see following recommended guides to get detailed information.