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Carousel Control for C# Windows Forms
How to Use the Carousel Component in C# Windows Forms application
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WinForms Carousel Control C# Tutorial

The Carousel control is a navigation control that will make the navigation UI design for WinForms really easy and will provide interactive and innovative navigation to users of your application. This Carousel control offers the support of navigating via a list of items, adding and removing items dynamically, generating item reflections automatically, binding data robust, and smooth animations and transitions.

Prerequisites of Using the Carousel Control in C# WinForms

  • Create a path instance and assign it.
  • Use the path defines the route in three dimensions and the carousel elements will appear
  • Add to the carousel Items collection.

How to Create a Path for Carousel in C# WinForms

The following are the steps that show how to create an elliptical path and add the carousel items by using a few buttons and a label element.
  1. Create a new C# Windows Application project in your Visual Studio
  2. Add a Carousel control to your Windows Form.
  3. Change the property of Carousel Dock to Fill.
  4. Add WinFormsCarouselControl.UI namespace to the uses section of the C# code.
  5. Copy and paste the below C# code to the Form_Load event handler:

private void CarouselGettingStarted_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// create an elliptical path for the Carousel
CarouselEllipsePath path = new CarouselEllipsePath();
// Use the form center as the path center point
path.Center = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(45, 45, 0);
path.FinalAngle = -90;
path.InitialAngle = -80;
path.U = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(-15, -12, -45);
path.V = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(25, -20, -55);
this.Carousel1.CarouselPath = path;
// populate carousel items
Carousel1.Items.Add(new ButtonElement("Solutions"));
Carousel1.Items.Add(new ButtonElement("Services"));
Carousel1.Items.Add(new ButtonElement("Support"));
Carousel1.Items.Add(new ButtonElement("Contact"));
LabelElement label = new LabelElement();
label.Text = "Preferences";
label.Font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Bold);
Debug the C# WinForms project to check the Carousel navigation.
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