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Carousel Control for C# Windows Forms
Design Carousel Ellipse Path or Carousel Bezier path in C# Windows Forms application
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Carousel Paths for WinForms C# Tutorial

The Windows Forms Carousel control uses the property of Carousel Path to define the route that the carousel items will move along a predefined path, for example, an ellipse path or a Bezier curve. C# developers can assign a Carousel Parameter Path descendant instance to the Carousel Path. However, the C# developers should pay attention that if the points of Z depth component are set to zero, the carousel control will assign higher Z indexes for items that next to the selected item. In addition, it also provides the features of customizing the item path that help developers add more special appearance to their WinForms application.

How to Define Carousel Ellipse Path

To define the carousel ellipse path for a Carousel in C# WinForms application, developers can use the property of CarouselEllipsePath. This property is a descendant of the Carousel Parameter Path and defines the 3D elliptical path for carousel items to move along the predefined animated path. There are some key properties for the carousel ellipse path:
  • Center, the property used for setting the center position of the ellipse
  • U, V, the property used for setting the distance between the center of the ellipse and the two points in 3D space.
  • InitialAngle and FinalAngle, the property used for starting and ending the number of degrees of the arc that defines the ellipse.

CarouselEllipsePath ellipsePath = new CarouselEllipsePath();
ellipsePath.Center = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(50, 50, 0);
ellipsePath.FinalAngle = -100;
ellipsePath.InitialAngle = -90;
ellipsePath.U = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(-20, -17, -50);
ellipsePath.V = new WinFormsCarouselControl.UI.Point3D(30, -25, -60);
ellipsePath.ZScale = 500;
this.Carousel1.CarouselPath = ellipsePath;

How to Define Carousel Ellipse Path at Design Time

The following are the simple steps for setting the Bezier path for the carousel using the Visual Studio designer. However, the points of distance can only be arranged in two dimensional and the Z coordinate which is optional should be set programmatically.
  1. Drag and drop the Carousel control to your Windows Form.
  2. Open the Properties Windows and change the CarouselPath to CarouselEllipsePath
  3. Drag and drop the two control points, U and V to set the distance
  4. Drag and drop the center point to set the ellipse

How to Define Carousel Bezier Path

This WinForms Carousel control allows users to define Bezier path for their interface design. The property of CarouselBezierPath is used to set the two end points and two control points in 3D space. The control points dictate the amount of curve between the end points. There are some key properties for the carousel Bezier Path:
FirstPoint, LastPoint, the property used for setting the two end points for the Bezier curve. Both are Point3D types having X, Y and Z properties.
CtrlPoint1, CtrlPoint2, the property used for creating the curve and setting the two points that will pull against the line described by FirstPoint and LastPoint. Both are Point3D types having X, Y and Z properties.

CarouselBezierPath bezierPath = new CarouselBezierPath();
bezierPath.FirstPoint = new Point3D(10, 20, 0);
bezierPath.CtrlPoint1 = new Point3D(14, 76, 70);
bezierPath.CtrlPoint2 = new Point3D(86, 76, 70);
bezierPath.LastPoint = new Point3D(90, 20, 0);
this.Carousel1.CarouselPath = bezierPath;
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