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Chart Control for C# Windows Forms
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Axes in Chart for WinForms C# Tutorial

Axes represent the collection of Categorical, Data Time, Linear, Logarithmic, Polar, Plot Mode, Radial, and more that are able to plot the data points in all chart area type. In chart design, each Chart area type uses a different set of axes to plot its data points. The Cartesian Area could use the axes including Categorical, Linear, Logarithmic, DateTimeCategorical and DateTimeContinuous to plot data points. Polar area plot data points based on Polar and Radar axes. And the Pie area does not support axes.
The Chart control provides the design time support to Axes and the following are properties of Axes that help developers to customize the Axes.
  • AxisType, this is the property used to customize the axis as the First or Second.
  • LabelFitMode , this is the property used to set a value to customize the axis labels and configure the axis handling the label collision. There are three values available for the LabelFitMode, None, Multiline and Rotate
  • None, the valid value for LabelFitMode used for rendering all labels at their specified position.
  • Multiline , the valid value for LabelFitMode used for displaying labels on rows
  • Rotate , the valid value for LabelFitMode used for rotating the labels around a fixed point.
  • LabelAngle , this is the property used to set the rotation angle of the labels.
  • LabelFormat , this is the property used to apply the label contents with a predefined format.
  • LabelFormatProvider , this is the property used to provide format information to an object
  • LabelInterval , this is the property used to set the step when the labels are placed.
  • LabelOffset , this is the property used to set index-based offset of the first tick to be displayed.
  • LastLabelVisibility , this is the property used to customize if the last label should be Clipped, Visible or Hidden.
  • LineWidth , this is the property used to set the width of the axis.
  • MainTickOffset , this is the property used to set index-based offset of the first tick to be displayed.
  • TickLength , this is the property used to set the length of major ticks.
  • TickWidth , this is the property used to set the thickness of a single tick on the axis.
  • Title , the property used to set the title of the axis.
  • DisplayLabels , this is a property that shows if the labels will be displayed or not.
  • BorderColor , this is a property used to sets the color of the axis and the ticks
  • ForeColor , the property used to control the color of the labels of the axis
  • BorderWidth , the property used to set the width of the axis
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