Bar Series of Chart for WinForms C# Tutorial
The Series Types of Chart View is a collection of Chart Series, including Area, SplineArea, Bar, Line, Spline, Scatter point, Combined series. The Chart control provides two primary functions to Chart series. One is a collection used to stand for the specific data and the other is to visualize the data by using a predefined model. The following are the series types that the Chart support, including Bar, Pie, Line, Area, Donut, Scatter, Polar, Stock, Radar, Categorical or Polar.
The Bar Series are used to visualize data points as bar blocks. In the bar blocks, the value of magnitude can be controlled by the height of each bar. The bars may require one categorical and one numerical axis as a descendant of Categorical series.
How to Populate Bar Series
The following C# code snippet shows the steps of populating the Bar Series manually
Customizing Properties and Values of Bar Series for Chart
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