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PDF Viewer WinForms Control
Display PDF documents directly in your Windows Forms application.
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PDF Viewer Getting Started in C#.NET

KetticPDF Viewer Control offers the approach to display PDF documents in C# Windows Forms applications. In the tutorial below, we are going to demonstrate how to integrate the PDFViewer control into your .NET application and customize the control through the properties, ReadMode and ViewerMode, in smart tag menu. The first property, ReadMode, is used to display the content of a document and the later property, ViewerMode, is used to define the behavior of the control when clicking on the documents.

Properties of PDF Viewer Control for Windows Forms

ReadMode, this property is used to display the content of a document that will be read. There are two modes of it, AllAtOnce and OnDemand. The AllAtOnce will load the document instantly, so that the rendering time will be short as the initial loading time will be longer. The OnDemanad will load the content of the page as request of the PDF view, so that the initial loading time will be short as the rendering time will be increased.
ViewerMode, is used to define the behavior of the control when left clicking on the documents and drag and drop the document. There are three modes of it, None, Pan, and TextSelection. The None mode won’t perform any operation, the Pan mode will scroll the PDF document, and the TextSelection mode initiate the selection and stop the selection while the mouse button be released.
The C# code below demonstrates how to set the properties for PDF Viewer control in .NET template projects.

this.ketticPdfViewer1.ReadingMode = ReadMode.OnDemand;
this.ketticPdfViewer1.ViewerMode = FixedDocumentViewerMode.TextSelection;
KetticPDFViewer control provides the LoadDocument method, which accepts both PDF filename and an argument of stream, for the users to load a PDF document. The C# code below shows how to load a document in the control.

this.ketticPdfViewer1.LoadDocument(Application.StartupPath + "\\PDFViewerControl\\Demo.pdf");
KetticPDFViewer control provides the UnloadDocument method cancel the loaded document. The simple C# code snippet below shows how to unload the document.

KetticPDFViewer offers a KetticPdfViewerNavigator for the end user to control the document. This can be done through dragging the navigator control to the Windows Forms and customize the AssociatedViewer from its SmartTag menu. The following is the C# code for setting the AssociatedPdfViewer property of the PdfViewerNavigator.

this.ketticPdfViewerNavigator1.AssociatedViewer = this.ketticPdfViewer1;
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