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PDF Viewer WinForms Control
Display PDF documents directly in your Windows Forms application.
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Keyboard and Mouse Support by PDFViewer Control

KetticPDF Viewer Control allows the users to control the PDF view by using the keyboard and mouse. The Keyboard and mouse support includes a set of input commands predefined in the PDFViewer .NET Component. To build the keyboard and mouse manipulation for PDFViewer control, we shall integrate the control into your Windows application. The following article shows the list of keyboard and mouse commands.

Keyboard Commands Support by PDFViewer

The following are the list of supported key and key combination commands by the KetticPDFViewer control for Windows Forms application.
  • Ctrl + C, these keys combination allows the users to copy the text that has been chosen in a PDF document
  • Ctrl + A, these keys combination is used to select the complete text in a PDF document
  • Left, the Left key can be used to move caret to the previous character in a PDF document
  • Right, the Right key is used to move caret to the next character in a PDF document
  • Ctrl + Left, these keys combination is able to move caret to the beginning of the word or the previous word in a PDF document
  • Ctrl + Right, the keys combination is used to move caret to the end of the word or the next word in a PDF document
  • Shift + Left and Shift + Ctrl + Left, these two key combinations are used to extend selection left in a PDF document
  • Shift + Right and Shift + Ctrl + Right, these two key combinations are used to extend selection right in a PDF document
  • Up, the Up key is used to move caret to the previous line as well as scroll up to the previous text in a PDF document
  • Down, the down key is used to move caret to the next line as well as scroll down to the next text in a PDF document
  • Home, the home key is able to move caret to the beginning of the current line in a PDF document
  • End, the end key is used to move caret to the end of the current line in a PDF document
  • Ctrl + Home, these key combination is used to move caret to the document start in a PDF document
  • Ctrl + End, these key combination is used to move caret to the document end in a PDF document

Mouse Commands Support by PDFViewer

The following are the list of supported mouse click and behavior commands by the KetticPDFViewer control for Windows Forms application.
  • Left button drag, this mouse command is able to choose text or pan based on the ViewerMode set in a PDF document
  • Right button click, this mouse command is used to open the context menu in a PDF document
  • Middle button drag, this mouse command is to start continuous pan in a PDF document
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