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KetticWizard Control for Windows Forms
Create user friendly wizard user interfaces for Windows Forms applications
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Setting KetticWizard Pages in C#.NET

KetticWizard control provides the support of the predesigned welcome, completion, and internal pages. Windows Forms KetticWizard control includes the collection of page elements, which consist of the WizardPage, the WizardWelcomePage, and the WizardCompletionPage. There is a ContentArea of each page for hosting the Windows Forms controls. In addition, the developers can also customize the header title and header text of the pages for wizard through the Title and Header properties.

Customize Page Header for KetticWizard in C#.NET

KetticWizard provides various properties for the interface designers to customize the elements of the page header. The following are the properties and explanations.
  • PageTitleTextVisibility, this property is used to show the title element of the page header
  • PageHeaderTextVisibility, this property is able to visualize the element of the Page header
  • PageHeaderIcon, this property allows the users to define the icon of the Page header
  • PageHeaderIconAlignment, this property is able to align the icon of the Page header

Customize Page Header of a Specific Page

KetticWizard control for WinForms provides the CustomizePageHeader property for the developers to customize the Page header of a specific page. This property has higher priority that the predefined properties in the KetticWizard when setting its value to be true. The following properties show how to work with this property.
  • TitleVisibility, this property is used to visualize the title element of Page header of a specific page
  • HeaderVisibility, this property is used to visualize the header element of Page header for a specific page
  • Icon, this property is able to define the icon of the Page header for a specific page.

Properties for Customizing Welcome and Completion pages

The WizardWelcomePage and WizardCompletionPage contain an image above the ContentArea. To customize the images of welcome and completion pages. The following properties shows how to customize the image of welcome pages, however, they are used to customize the completion pages as well.
  • WelcomeImage, this property is used to define the image for the welcome pages in KetticWizard.
  • HideWelcomeImage, this property is able to display and hide the image of the welcome pages in KetticWizard
  • WelcomeImageLayout, this property allows the users to customize the layout of the welcome pages image
  • WelcomeImageBackgroundShape, this property is used to customize the shape of the background image for the welcome pages
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