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Calendar Controls for WinForms UI Tutorial
Customize localization with the globalization properties for WinForms applications
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Globalization Properties - WinForms Calendar Controls

The Windows Forms Calendar Controls provides classes to support the System.Globalization Namespace. These classes contains a variety of worldwide culture information such as country, region, country, language, calendars, patterns for formatting dates, currency, numbers, and order for strings. These classes will be really helpful when developing a worldwide use Calendar in WinForms C# environment.

Culture Properties for Customizing Calendar in C# WinForms

It is easy to customize the properties about Culture information. There are two ways available, change the value from the drop down list in the Properties Window or configure the values in C# Code for Calendar in Windows Forms. The following is a C# code sample.

calendar1.Culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");

Culture Properties of Calendar for C# WinForms

  • NameOfDay, the property used for formatting the days on Calendar component to display. Valid values including Full, Short, FirstLetter, FirstTwoLetters, and Shortest.
  • Culture, the property used for setting the culture supported by this calendar.
  • CurrentCalendar, the property used for getting the default System.Globalization.Calendar instance.
  • DayCellFormat, the property used for formatting the string that will be applied to the days in the calendar.
  • FirstDayOfWeek, the property used for specifying the first day of the week to display.
  • TitleFormat, the property used for formatting the string that is applied to title in the calendar.
  • CellToolTipFormat, the property used for formatting the string that is applied to the day cells tooltip.
  • DateRangeSeparator, the property used for separating the string that will be placed between start and end months in a multi view title.

Localized Properties of Calendar for C# WinForms

  • NavigatePrevText, the property used for setting the text to display the previous month navigating control.
  • NavigateNextText, the property used for setting the text to display the next month navigating control.
  • QuickNavigatePrevText, the property used for setting the text to display the quick previous navigating control.
  • QuickNavigateNextText, the property used for setting the text to display the quick next navigating control.
  • NavigatePrevToolTip, the property used for setting the text that will be displayed as a tooltip for the previous month navigating control.
  • NavigateNextToolTip, the property used for setting the text that will be displayed as a tooltip for the next month navigating control.
  • QuickNavigatePrevToolTip, the property used for setting the text that will be displayed as a tooltip for the previous month quick navigating control.
  • QuickNavigateNextToolTip, the property used for setting the text that will be displayed as a tooltip for the next month quick navigating control.
  • RowHeaderText, the property used for offering custom text for the cells of row header.
  • ColumnHeaderText, the property used for offering custom text for the cells of column header
  • ViewSelectorText, the property used for setting the text that will be displayed in the view selector cell.
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