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Menus UI WinForms Control
Create attractive menus in C#.NET for your Windows Forms applications
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C# Menus Items of Menu Control

Kettic Menu Control for Windows Forms support menus creation via the various menu items. There are a few controls available to create a menu structure, including KetticMenuItem, KetticMenuHeaderItem, KetticMenuComboItem, KetticMenuSeparatorItem, and KetticMenuContentItem. Kettic Menu Controls for Windows Forms offers C# API to the UI designers for the menus to checked, unchecked, and disabled all menu items.

Properties of KetticMenuItem in C#.NET

KetticMenuItem contains all standard menu items, and the following are the main properties of it.
  • AutoSizeMode, this property is used to indicate how to size the menu item, and the valid value includes FitToAvailableSize, WrapAroundChildren and Auto.
  • CommandBinding, this is the property used to set shortcuts on keyboard for a menu item.
  • DescriptionText, the property includes the description for the Text.
  • DisplayStyle, this property is able to display an image, text, or both on the item.
  • AngleTransform, this is the property used to change the angle offset the item shown in horizontal.
  • FlipText, when the property is enabled, it is able to flip the text of the item in vertical.
  • BackColor and ForeColor, these properties are used to customize the colors of the background and text.
  • Font, the font property is able to set the font and size of the item text.
  • Enabled, the property is used to display the menu item as grayed out and give no response to mouse click.
  • Image, ImageIndex, and ImageKey, these properties are used to assign an image to show on the item.
  • IsChecked, the property is able to display a check mark on the item.
  • Text, the text property is used to specify the text that will be displayed on the item.
  • TextImageRelation, this property will determine the relationship between the text and image shown on the item.
  • CheckOnClick, the property determines if a check mark will be applied to select the item.
  • TextOrientation, this property is able to display the text in vertical or horizontal.
  • HasTwoColumnDropDown, this property is able to add a drop-down menu with two columns included.
  • StringAlignment, this property is used to align the text string to near, center, or far from the left border of the menu item.
  • DisplayArrow, the property will show an arrow button on the drop-down menu.
  • PopupDirection, this property is used to open the drop-down menu to different directions, such as left, right, up, or down.

How to Create Drop-Down Menu Item with Two Columns

To create a drop down menu item containing two columns, we need to use the TwoColumnDropDown property. Just enable this property before we start to add menu items to the list. This feature will allow us to view the two columns in form designer while adding the new items to the column.

How to Add a DropDown List on a Menu

To add a dropdown list on a menu, we need to use the KetticMenuComboItem. The Items collection of ComboBoxElement property of the item is used to add items to the combo box. This element will return a dropdown list element, in which we can bind the items to data.

How to Create Custom Menu Items

The KetticMenuContentItem allows the users to create custom menu items from other controls. Just assign any kettic element to the ContentElement property of the KetticMenuContentItem.

How to Add Separator between Items

It is able to add a separator in horizontal between items on a menu to distinguish adjacent items. This is accomplished by using the KetticMenuSeparatorItem.
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