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C# ExplorerBarView Customizing

The ExplorerBar view mode of KetticPageView allows the users to easily customize the multiple pages at once. The ExplorerBar view mode of KetticPageView contains three different content size modes for the users to adjust the page size, and two stack positions to customize the stack position. Moreover, the users are able to expand or collapse a page, apply the explorer bar events, scroll the content when it exceeds the component edge, and use the keyboard navigation.

Customize Content Size using C# code

The ExplorerBar view mode of KetticPageView contains three different content size modes for the expanded pages, including FixedLength, AutoSizeToBestFit, and EqualLength.
  • The FixedLength size mode determines the length of the expanded pages and is defined by the PageLength property. To change the value of the property, we shall choose the corresponding KetticPageViewPage instance and configure the PageLength property in the Property Grid. When the space can’t show the items and the expanded pages, the scrollbar will appear in the KetticPageView .NET component.
  • The AutoSizeToBestFit mode is able to size the expanded page based on the content. This size mode will define the bounds of pages according to the calculation of the smallest bounding rectangle of all controls in the page.
  • The EqualLength mode equally size all expanded pages. Kettic PageView control will calculate the size according to the remaining space when the layout orders the items and distribute the space available to all expanded pages.
To customize the size of the expanded pages, we shall switch to the ExplorerBar view mode, and returns an instance of the KetticPageViewExplorerBarElement C# class and cast it to the appropriate type and customize the ContentSizeMode property by using the C# code snippet as below.

KetticPageViewExplorerBarElement explorerBarElement = (this.ketticPageView1.ViewElement as KetticPageViewExplorerBarElement);
explorerBarElement.ContentSizeMode = ExplorerBarContentSizeMode.EqualLength;

Customize Stack Position of ExplorerBar View

The ExplorerBar mode of KetticPageView control is capable of two stack positions, Top and Left. The users of the KetticPageView component are able to set the explorer bar view either to top or left.

Expand or Collapse Pages in ExplorerBar Mode

KetticPageView ExplorerBar View mode supports of expanding or collapsing a page by clicking on the item. The pages expanding and collapsing can also be accomplished by using C# code via setting the VisilizeContent property defined in the KetticPageViewPage C# class. The C# code below demonstrates how to enable this property.

this.ketticPageViewPage1.VisilizeContent = true;

C# Events of ExplorerBar View Mode

KetticPageView ExplorerBar mode contains four exclusive specific events that will be fired when changing the state of a page. The following are the details of the events.
  • ExpandPage, this event will be fired when a page will be expanded. To cancel the expanding of page, set the Cancel property in event handler.
  • ExpandedPage, this event will be fired when a page expanded.
  • CollapsePage, this event will be fired when a page will be collapsed. To cancel the collapsing of page, set the Cancel property in event handler.
  • CollapsedPage, this event will be fired when a page collapsed.

Scroll Content in ExplorerBar View Mode

KetticPageView ExplorerBar mode provides the support of scrolling content. When the expanded content exceeds the bounds of the KetticPageView, a scroll bar will appear in the expanded pages.
KetticPageView ExplorerBar mode is able to scroll to a selected item. This is accomplished by using the ScrollToItem method, which is a part of the KetticPageViewExplorerBarElement C# API. To scroll a given item in C# code, we shall access the ScrollToItem method.

KetticPageViewExplorerBarItem item = this.ketticPageViewPage1.Item as KetticPageViewExplorerBarItem;

Keyboard Navigation of ExplorerBar View Mode

The ExplorerBar view mode of KetticPageView component offers the support of navigating items using arrow keys on the keyboard. When the users set the stack position to Top, they can use the Up and Down arrows to choose the previous and next item and use the Left and Right arrow keys to collapse and expand the chosen items. Contrarily, when setting the stack position to Left, they can use the Left and Right arrow keys to choose the previous and next item and use the Up and Down arrows to collapse and expand the chosen items.
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