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Windows Forms PivotGrid Control
Create interactive user interface of Pivot table, build summarizations and highlight specific data
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PivotGrid Data Binding at Design Time in C#.NET

KetticPivotGrid control for Windows Forms is capable of standard data binding. When we add the control to the Windows Forms, we can bind KetticPivotGrid to a new data source or an existing one through the DataSource property. The DataSource property is available in the Smart Tag menu in the Properties window of the KetticPivotGrid control. In this article, we are going through the features of binding KetticPivotGrid control to data at design time.

Aggregate Descriptor Collections and Group Descriptors Collections

KetticPivotGrid control for Windows Forms contains ColumnGroupDescriptions collection, RowGroupDescriptions collection, and AggregateDescriptions collection. By using these collections, the users can display the data in KetticPivotGrid according to specific requirements. The following are the steps show how to add these collections to KetticPivotGrid.
  1. Open the Properties window of KetticPivotGrid control, and select the Smart Tag menu
  2. Choose the desired collection to add to KetticPivotGrid control on the form
  3. Edit the collection added through the Collection Editor dialog
  4. Add the field name and properties according to the descriptor to the collection

Add Report Filters to KetticPivotGrid Control

  1. Open the Properties window of KetticPivotGrid control, and select the Smart Tag menu of FilterDescriptors collection
  2. Change the DisplayFilterArea property to true to show the filter area. The default setting hide this area
  3. After the report filters appear, select or deselect records to customize the data in the report

Apply Case Scenario to PivotGrid .NET Project

In the following sample, we bind the KetticPivotGrid control to a database scenario, a Northwind database, included in the control package. To bind the control to database, we will create a custom table adapter to choose tables like Customers, Product Orders, and Order Descriptions tables to import data that will be shown in KetticPivotGrid. The custom table adapter can be added through choosing Add and then TableAdapter from the context menu in the DataSet designer. Then add the tables to your .NET project via the SELECT command of our custom table adapter. The following steps will demonstrate a statistic of the Orders ordered by the customers and the users can preview the statistics of results filtered by city.
  1. Drag and drop a KetticPivotGrid control to the form in .NET project
  2. Choose the newly created table adapter as a DataSource for the KetticPivotGrid
  3. Add an aggregate descriptor for the field Quantity. And add a column group descriptor and a row group descriptor for the field FirstName and ProductName respectively.
  4. Change the value of the property, DisplayFilterArea, to true. And add a filter descriptor for the field CustomerCity.
  5. Run the C#.NET project and check the result of filtered data records in KetticPivotGrid control
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